Regulations of Afghan Flying Club

Chapter One

(General Verdicts)



Article 1:    The club will be known as the “Afghan Flying Club” or AFC.


Article 2:   The Afghan Flying Club (AFC) is an independent, non-governmental, social and civil organization which aims & acts to promote civil aviation in Afghanistan.


Article 3:    The Central Office (Clubhouse) of this organization is located in Kabul city.



Chapter Two

(Strategies & Duties)




Article 4:  To promote civil aviation in Afghanistan and provide aerial facilities to general populace regardless of their sex, nationality or religion.


Article 5: To promote unity and provide entertainment, pleasure and sport for health benefits.


Article  6:  Provide air transportation or any other services in emergency cases.


Article 7: To develop the advancement of Technologies in every field, especially in aviation.


Article 8: To create a pool of reserve pilots for use in national emergency cases.


Article 9: Attract youth to aviation field in order to expand aviation career.


Article 10:  Prospect in the way of persuading Government to improve aviation situation in Afghanistan.


Article 11: Endeavor to temperate aeronautical training and aeronautical services in center and provinces.





Article 12:   Establishing a Central Office in Kabul and attracting interested persons to it.


Article13:    Setting up training, sport and entertainment facilities.


Article 14:   Holding Air shows, Aviation Conferences due to propagation for aviation.


Article15:   If budget adequate publishing a quarterly Gazette (publication) by the name of “High-Flyers” to reflect the activities of AFC.


Article 16: Opening a webpage in internet to attract the attention of airlines to Afghanistan.


Article 17:   Make special training projects.



Chapter Three

(Organizational Structures & Staff’s Duties)


Article 18:   The organizational structure of AFC is formed as follows:


Q     General Committee Members

Q     Honorary Members

Q     Ordinary Members

Q     Extra-Members


Article 19:


ñ    General Committee Members are the (Founder Members, President, Vic-president, General Secretary and Treasurer)

ñ    Honorary Members are (Person considered suitable & have extended invitations by General Committee for example Advisors, Aviation Experts) which these members are not active members

ñ    Ordinary Members are (People who are working for AFC)

ñ    Extra Members are (People who apply for membership only for training, sport and entertainment purposes)


Article 20: The AFC has one President, one Admin Vice-president, one Finance Vice-president, one General Secretary and one Treasurer and the other staff work as Ordinary Members.


Article 21: The President is elected by General Committee. He shall then appoint the vice-presidents, secretary and treasurer. (Ordinary Members have the rights of voting.)


Article 22: The General Committee can work for two years, in case of the members majority votes; they can continue this mission for two years more.


Article 23:  The Founder Members are exempted from the (Article 22) because they can act at any time when they see contradiction to the Articles of AFC or any other cases.


Article 24:  The organizational structure of this center and its activities can never be like organization of political party or group. It’s yet a training center.


Article 25:  The requirements of membership of General Committee.


Q     Having specific Nationality

Q     Being adult

Q     Be of good conducts, free form addiction of Drugs, Alcohol

Q     Not having criminal file

Q     Being educated & aviation man

Q     Respecting completely the Regulations of AFC

Q     Considering & obeying insights of General Committee.


Article 26: The requirements of membership of Ordinary Members:


Q     Having definite Nationality

Q     Being adult

Q     Not having criminal file

Q     Respecting completely the Regulation of AFC


Article 27:  The requirements of membership of Extra-Members:


Q     Posses a definite Nationality

Q     Being adult

Q     Has completed High School

Q     Not addicted to Drugs, Alcohol

Q     Not having criminal file

Q     Respecting completely Regulations of AFC

Q     Respect and obey Aviation Rules

Q     Be of good physical & mental health and fit for flights as approved by the Health Authority




Article 28: The President & Vice-president are responsible of their initiatives against all of the staff of AFC.


Article 29: Members of this center ought to pay the enrolment & membership fees in order to accomplish AFC programs. The amount of membership fees will be determined by General Committee.


Article 30: The President’s duty is to oversee the management of the club so as to conform to the policy and goals submitted to the members unless General Meeting decides other wise.


Article 31:   The President will represent the club for all external activities.


Article 32: If the President or Vice-president is absent an Acting President will be appointed form the members of GC (General Committee). This appointment will be made by the President of if he fails to do so, by the General Committee.


Article 33: The President will call the General Committee Meeting (which includes President, Vice-presidents, Secretary, Treasurer, Advisors) once a month or at any time as he may see fit. And the Annual General Meeting which includes all the members of GC (General Committee) will be held once a year.


Article 34:  The Vice-presidents’ duties are to assist the president in the eye of admin and finance affairs, assist in the management of the club, carry out duties as delegated by the President and act on the behalf of the president in the latter’s absence.


Article 35: The Secretary’s duty is to carry out and oversee the operation of the club in accordance with the Articles of organization, including the management of the staff members.


Article 36: The Treasurer duty is to control all financial functions of the club, to be responsible for its accounting and to present financial statement at the end of each month to General Committee Meeting and a financial statement at the end of ear to Annual General Meeting.


Article 37: The General Committee shall draw up its goals, policy and budget so as to meet the commitment presented at the AGM or extra ordinary meetings.




Chapter Four

(Financial Section)


Article 38: The financial budget of AFC can be ensured through membership and enrollment fees. Donation of International Organizations, National Characters, National Traders, income profits of the created projects, sales of publication, etc.


Article 39: Expenses of the club are for the management of the club as outlined in the annual budget.


Article 40: The President has the authority to order payments to meet the expenses in accordance with Article 39.


Article 41:  Income & expenditure will be in accordance with financial regulations of the club.


Article 42:  The financial budget of AFC is at the disposal of GC that this committee has one treasurer.


Article 43:  Properties of this center can never be used individually by individual targets.




Chapter Five

(The Meetings)


Article 44:  The meetings of AFC will be held as follows:


Ø      General Committee Meeting

Ø      Annual General Meeting

Ø      Extra-Ordinary Meeting


Article 45:  The Annual General Meeting will be held once a year within thirty (30) days after the date the Balance Sheet is finalized. And this meeting includes General Committee Members.


Article 46:  The Annual General Meeting is held for the following purposes:


·        To elect the President & General Committee in accordance with the Articles of organization

·        To adopt the Balance Sheet

·        To acknowledge reports of pas activities by GC

·        To discuss other businesses


Article 47:  The General Committee Meeting will be held once a month which includes General Committee Members excluding Founder Members. And this meeting is held:


ô     To see the achievements  of AFC

ô     Better management of AFC

ô     Solution for problems which exists


Article 48:  The Extra-Ordinary Meeting is called by General Committee, by request of at least one third of the Ordinary Members or by the President when it seems necessary.


Article 49:  The Secretary will notify members one month in advance for Annual General Meeting, ten days in advance for General Committee Meeting and three days in advance for an Extra-ordinary Meeting.


Article 50:  To remove the President, a General Committee Member or modify, delete or add any Article to this Regulations Platform, it could be done only in the AGM by voting.



Chapter Six

(Miscellaneous Verdicts)


Article 51: This center’s members can not utilize this center for the benefit of any political group, incase of happening such an aim, the fault-committed staff is absolutely discharged from the center’s membership.


Article 52: Resignation from the center is also possible and resigned member should express the cause of his/her resignation by written letter.


Article 53: Incase of dissolution the assets of the club will be given to another juristic person having the same objectives or as decided by the General Committee at the time being.


Article 54:  AFC has a Monogram (symbol) or logo which is determined by the GC which is a Turbo-propeller single engine aircraft with three blades and at the sharp of three blades the three letters of AFC appears which represents AFC (Afghan Flying Club).


Article 55:  The Regulations of Afghan Flying Club is prepared, confirmed & approved in six chapters and fifty five articles. And is in force since ___________.


General Committee

Afghan Flying Club
