Name: Bonanza Airport
Coordinates: 14*34.1' N x 101*26.5' E (coordinates from Niwat)
Runway Heading: 03/21
Length: 1,500 meters
Surface: Grass with Concrete run-up area
Slope: none
Elevation: 1,400' (approximate)
Obstructions: n/a
Location: Chokchai Farm near Khao Yai.
Activities: Private Airstrip // Beginning construction in Feb 2009 (expect completion in 3 months after start)
Contact Information: Khun Taiwong (owner) // Khun Niwat organizing construction of the airstrip with DCA --
Other links: For additional information: DOA Aeronautical Information Service, Tung Mahamek, Bangkok 10120, Thailand -- tel: 02 256 0922 // 02 286 0922 // fax: 02 287 4060 // AFTN: VTBAYOYX.
Map of Airstrip:

Airstrip before construction begins (Jan 2009) (Khun Niwat)