Name: Chateaux de Loei Airport
Coordinates: N17*23.6' x E101*18.4' (Thank you Khun Taned correction)
Runway Heading: 35 / 17
Length: 1,300 meters (approx)
Surface: tarmac
Slope: slight uphill
Elevation: approx 2,000'
Obstructions: n/a
Activities: Wine farm.
Contact Information: Owner is Khun Premchai // Ital-Thai Group // He lands his King Air at the airstrip. It is surrounded by wine vineyards.// Please ask permission before you land there by calling Khun Kanitda (or Khun Amporn or Khun Min) at 02-7180433 (or) 02-7165337 (or) 084-2809517 (or) Email Khun Kanitda -- //
Other links: For additional information: DOA Aeronautical Information Service, Tung Mahamek, Bangkok 10120, Thailand -- tel: 02 256 0922 // 02 286 0922 // fax: 02 287 4060 // AFTN: VTBAYOYX.
Map of Airstrip:

Photo courtesy of Tom, Mike, Dave - Dec 2005

Airstrip - Looking North

Airstrip - Looking South

Runway threshold pictures courtesy of Mac who says runway is about 1,300 meters and GPS:  N17.39288 x E101.30676. Email Mac.