Name: Nam Phong Dam Airport |
16*58' N x
103*58' E
(alternate site: 16*58' N x 104*08' E -
unconfirmed) |
Frequency: |
Runway Heading: |
Length: |
Surface: Grass |
Slope: none |
Elevation: ??' |
Obstructions: n/a |
Location: |
Activities: Some
obstructions appear planted on the runway |
Contact Information: |
Other links: For additional information: DOA
Aeronautical Information Service, Tung Mahamek, Bangkok 10120, Thailand --
tel: 02 256 0922 // 02 286 0922 // fax: 02 287 4060 // AFTN: VTBAYOYX. |
Map of Airstrip: |