Name: Phuket Airport - VTSP
Coordinates: 08*06' N x 098*19' E
Frequency: Approach 126.7 // Tower 118.1
Runway Heading: 09/27
Length: 3,000 meters (45 meters wide)
Surface: Asphalt
Slope: none
Elevation: 19'
Obstructions: Mountain south of airstrip
Location: North end of the island // 32 km North of Town.
Activities: Phuket Flying Club is located at a separate smaller airport apx 8NM SE --
Contact Information: Phuket Tower phone 076 27250 x 5813 // Phuket PTT FUEL phone 076 327190
Other links: For additional information: DOA Aeronautical Information Service, Tung Mahamek, Bangkok 10120, Thailand -- tel: 02 256 0922 // 02 286 0922 
Map of Airstrip: