Name: Phu Khieo Airport - VTUG
Coordinates: 16*22' N x 102*10' E (revised coordinates aug'08)
Runway Heading: 03 / 21
Length: 3,400' (130' wide)
Surface: Laterite
Slope: none
Elevation: 754'
Obstructions: n/a
Location: Old ID: T-57 / 1:250,000 map sheet NE 48-13
Contact Information:
Other links: For additional information: DOA Aeronautical Information Service, Tung Mahamek, Bangkok 10120, Thailand -- tel: 02 256 0922 // 02 286 0922 // fax: 02 287 4060 // AFTN: VTBAYOYX.
Map of Airstrip: Thanks Mac for information. // Other info from Mac: Attached photo of the runway looking towards the SW.  It sure looks to be in good shape!!  Wonder how many years it's been since anyone has actually landed there. Note, I've used the spelling from the Air America site book for the runway rather than your spelling. FYI, Al Mavro is the guy who lives up there part time, an old buddy of ours.  He said the local folks have told him that it was built by the Japanese during WW II.  Be interesting to try to run down just how many such airfields they did build in Thailand, and Laos, too.  I remember back in 1967 when I was working at Xieng Lom, LS-69A, just across the border from Nan Province, that the locals said the original airfield wa Japanese built.