Double aerobatic show and Demonstration in Bang Phra
The weekend of 30-31 July 2005 was a treat for members of the Thai Flying Club as Major Amin and Major Wan from CTRM in Malaysia flew their Eagle 150B aircraft up from Malaysia to visit Bang Phra and promote their beautiful Canard-wing aircraft that are built in Malaysia. Their exciting trip represents what General Aviation is all about, and it is easy to see that Malaysia is working hard to promote General Aviation in Southeast Asia. We would like to thank Malaysia and CTRM for their wonderful visit to the club. Their representative in Thailand is Khun Amnaj Singkalavnich --
is very interested in promoting their aircraft for sale or lease/hire by flying
schools and flying clubs in Thailand. They welcome you to contact them or to
contact their representative in Thailand. Please click the Aircraft Data Sheet
on the left for details on the Eagle 150B and for contact information in
Many members were able to test fly this aircraft. Khun Tom flew with Major Amin, and he was impressed by the gentle stall and also the precise maneuverability possible with the short wings. Also, the landing was very impressive on the first attempt which demonstrates the gentle characteristics of this aircraft and the excellent coaching of Major Amin. The aerobatic performance was very impressive and TFC's own Kruu Piya and Kruu Speedy from the Royal Thai Navy were on board at the time. It was a very exciting show to watch. Thank you Khun AJ and CTRM for your visit to the club. We will try to promote aircraft sales up here (please click Data Sheet above for contact information).
The Crew of the Eagle 150B visit to Bang Phra
Amnaj (AJ) Singkalavnich - MD, ASAN Intl. Worldwide Representative Agent for Aviation and Transportation. 97/1 M.3 Phetchakasem Soi 58. Bangduan Phasicharern, Bankok Thailand 10160. Fax: 662 455 1677. Tel: 662 455 1676. Mobile: 661 611 1990.
Abd Razak Mohamad Zin - Head Department, Flight Operations. Composites Technology Research Malaysia Sdn Bhd. Composites Technology City, Batu Berendam, 75350 Melaka, Malaysia. Tel: 606 317 0350. Mobile: 6012 636 5859. Fax: 606 317 7213. Email:
Adrain Lopez - Executive.