FEB 2018 -- KHUN CHAROEN & KHUN CHARN IN THE EXTRA -- The action was all above over the weekend in early February as Khun Charn took his outstanding Extra through its paces over the skies of Thai Flying Club. Up in front was none other than Khun Charoen, one of the most enthusiastic aviators you can find in Thailand. Khun Charn and Charoen are some of the most senior members of the Thai Flying Club, and Charn is famous for his love of aerobatics. If you ever want to witness an Extra in Action, call the club and find out if Khun Charn will be flying on a Saturday or Sunday late afternoon, and you will be in for a treat.
23 JUL 2017 -- BANG PHRA AIRPORT OPEN AGAIN -- Our airport was closed from 19 Jun - 23 Jul for the Kasetsart Agricultural Fair. This year, it was big and the entire runway was full of tents. There were no notams indicating that the airport was closed for a month, and no one can explain why.
-- Flying Ed and Mike Wlson have made it back from China. Ed was the first
guy to fly into China "This Time" and this was a highly celebrated event in
Central China. There is a lot of interest for General Aviation in China, and
they are getting the money to do it, but.... The Chinese PLA Air Force still
owns the air, so we don't have any private aviation yet. Check this link for
a review of Flying Ed's First Flight into China "This Time" --
Khun Tui organized a TFC Hangar party up at Fernando's Han gar with
delicious fare and plenty of wine. Many current club members were in
attendance. Khun Tom recounted his Friday afternoon forced landing in a
field near Bang Saen. The TFC team and the A Team were incredible in their
service and assistance with the accident. Then Khun Fernando recounted his
previous engine failure and tree landing in a Q
Hi Pilot friends,
This Year the Winter Tour will start on 25 Nov in VTPT and finish on 2 Dec
in VTUU. As usual I will block the hotels, maximum of 10 Rooms in bases of
first come first serve. The prices are similar to previous Years, average of
1500 per night. I avoid the first week of December as many Holidays together
and the hotels will be very full and more expensive.
If you want to Join let me know asap with pax per airplane and rooms needed.
Find below itinerary. Happy flights --
09 DEC 2017 -- "EL MAS GRANDE"
18 FEB 2017 -- POSTPONED AGAIN __ PRECISION FLYING EVENT -- The 2016 P.F.E. Blogsite is up at and the event has been postponed due to the very sad passing of his Magesty the King. We're still making some final touches to the scoring-arithmetic but most of the information in there is correct. NEW DATES UNKNOWN. These new dates have been postponed again. Standby for More info -- Email Mike
NOV 2016 --KENG KRAJAN FLY IN A SUCCESS -- Admiral Tanakrit organized a fantastic fly-in at the newly certified Kengkrajan Airport West of Hua Hin in Thailand. We have visited this airport before, but it is only now that the airport has received certification. Admiral Tanakrit took a balloon flight from the newly certified airport and several aircraft flew in (Suchard, Mike, George, Others). There is a beautiful golf course about 8km from the airstrip, and the same owner will come and pick you up -- Keng Krajan Airport
24 SEP 2016 -- FUG BIN FREE -- The winners of "Fug Bin Free" (why do you want to fly) essay competition at AIT Rajamangala University will come to fly at TFC -- 10 NOV - 15 DEC 2016 -- BANG PHRA WILL CLOSED AGAIN -- Bang Phra may be closed these dates for the annual Agricultural Fair at the Rajamangala University Campus. For more info -- email Khun Tui -- 03-11 DEC 2016 -- FERNANDO WINTER TOUR -- Join TFC member Fernando on a Winter Tour of Thailand. He likes to fly up North and all the great places in Thailand at a very relaxed pace over the Thai Holiday. If you have any questions about Navigation Apps for your iPad, you can ask him, because he has all of them. Email TFC if you want to join the Winter Tour -- 02-03 DEC 2016 -- CHIANG KHAM FLY IN -- Admiral Tanakrit is once again organizing his fantastic Children's Day Fly-In to the North. If you have never been up here, then you have no idea how special it is. Last year, we had over 6,000 spectators and delicious Northern Thai cuisine and everybody stayed all day for airplane rides and free fuel. It is a beautiful airstrip up in Chiang Kham with a very interesting history. If you want to join -- 25-26 JUN 2016 -- PRACHUAP KHIRI-KHAN AIR RALLY -- A great success. 604 Squadron was in full force for the weekend at Prachuap Khiri Khan, certainly one of the most beautiful airstrips in Thailand. RASAT did an outstanding job of welcoming the visiting aircraft and hosting the event to FAI standards. Prachuap Airforce Base is the home base of the U-23 Peacemaker and is surrounded by limestone karsts and beautiful golden Thai temples. Aircraft flew in from Wings Over Asia in Singapore, from Malaysia, Ed and Mike came in from Nok (Chiangmai) and Fernando and Tom flew in from Bang Phra. JUN 2016 -- YASOTHORN'S "LEONG NOK THA AIRPORT OPEN AGAIN -- Khun Gik has shared great news with us. He is opening a flying school in the retired old airstrip and is currently fixing up all sorts of airplanes to take to his flying school. His Flying Club will be called "FRIENDS FLYING CLUB & TRAINING" and he has 2x C172, 2x Jabiru, 1x Sonex, 1x Quicksilver, and a twin coming from CATC. He is using the A Team for his maintenance and he will be offering UPL and PPL (60 hour) flying courses. For more information -- LEONG NOK THA AIRPORT 11 SEP 2016 -- SINGAPORE FLYING CLUB MANAGER LEE BUCK CHOON -- Sunday, Pizza Night, 6pm at EAA EASTERN FLYING CLUB -- We welcomed the Manager of the Republic of Singapore Flying Club who gave a very interesting history and current affairs of the club in Singapore. Lee also enjoyed the best pizza in Thailand. Thanks to Lee from Republic of Singapore Flying Club and EAA Thailand for hosting the evening on flying in Singapore -- 29 JUL 2016 -- BANG PHRA AIRPORT NOW OPEN AGAIN -- We are open again (as of 29 Jul 2016). We were closed on 27 Jun, because we were trying to get the 2 year permit for the airfield (instead of renewing month by month). However, the CAAT has informed us that they need more documents and pictures, so the airport was closed for a month. Now we are open again.
JUN 2016 -- TFC HERO KHUN NIN -- Khun Nin has done it again. He has just completed painting the roof to the TFC Clubhouse for the second time. This prevents the rust and corrosion of the roof, so the roof lasts longer and we don't have to replace it. This is preventative maintenance just like mechanics do on aircraft. Congratulations TFC for this forward thinking and keeping the clubhouse in good shape. JUN 2016 -- KRUU JIRA CELEBRATES 83RD BIRTHDAY -- The TFC staff were on full alert to celebrate Kruu Jira's 83rd Birthday recently. There was a birthday cake and a delicious seafood cookout prepared by Khun Tui. There are not many flying clubs in the world with both instructors in their 80's, but here at TFC you can come and fly with both of them. JUN 2016 -- TURBO SAN FIRST SOLO -- It was a fantastic landing and the entire club staff and active members were on hand to celebrate as Turbo san soloed the C172 with a perfect greaser landing after 2 and half years of training. Kruu Sirapol was very proud to have Turbo solo, and now he can accelerate his training so he can fly his recently purchased C150. Congratulations Turbo san -- Watch Turbo San first solo and the "smoothest" landing. JUN 2016 -- CHEROKEE 140 HS-ATJ BACK IN THE AIR -- It was truly unbelievable. After almost 15 years of being grounded, the club Cherokee 140 took off on a test flight with Kruu Sirapol and 2 mechanics with full fuel to make a test flight. This has been an incredible journey, but the TFC team and mechanics have done it and gotten this plane back in the air. Congratulations to everyone for keeping this plane alive. JUN 2016 -- A TEAM NUNG BECOMES A MONK -- We have had no shortage of celebrations this month, and our very own A Team sent Khun Nung to Mahasalakam to become a monk. The team was in full force for the celebration, and we look forward to Nung's return with his renewed spirit. COMING SOON 2016 -- CAPTAIN ED TRIPLE 3,000 HOUR PARTY -- Enthusiastic Aviator Ed is all set to cross the 3,000 hour threshold. He enthusiastically announced to us in Prachuap Khiri Khan that he will be hosting 3 parties as soon as this happens -- In Chiangmai, In Bangkok, and In Phuket -- the three zones in which Ed hangs out. All keen aviators are invited to any and all of the parties. As soon as we know the date, we will let you know. Congratulations to Ed.
03 FEB 2016 -- BANG PHRA AIRPORT OPEN AGAIN -- Thai Flying Club is open again. Finally. Bang Phra has been closed for almost a month while the club was sorting out the airport permit with the CAAT (which used to be the DCA). So now everyone can come and fly again. Khun Toon says that now TFC will apply for a 2 year operating permit like Khun Alex has done for Pattaya Airpark.
26 DEC 2015 -- SAA TANTAWAN FLY-IN -- Tantawan Fly-in and Xmas/New Year party December 26, flying games in afternoon, dinner and entertainment in evening, overnite camping or budget accommodation, all welcome... This is an event not to be missed, and Tantawan is the new home of the SAA. Fly in and meet the guys. -- Any questions --
25 NOV - 15 DEC 2015 -- BANG PHRA AIRPORT CLOSED -- It is time for the annual agricultural fair in Bang Phra at the University, so the runway will be closed for parking for about 2 weeks. For more details on the exact dates of closure and any chance of an early opening, then email Khun Tui -- 28 NOV 2015 (6pm)-- BREAKING NEWS -- ALONGZO "HANGAR PARTY" -- Just in.. Fernando will be hosting a sudden "Hangar Party" at his Air Ambulance Hangar this Saturday afternoon. Come and see the new hangar and look at the Diamond DA-42. Fernando will be explaining the upcoming winter tour and demonstrating how to take the plane in and out of the hangar with the Machina Naranja. The party starts at 6pm. For more information if there are drinks or any food, Email Toon --
6-8 MAR 2015 -- WOA FLY-IN KHANONGPHRA -- Khun Jules informs us that the Thai Wings Over Asia squadron will be flying into Rancho Chavree at KhanongPhra North of Khao Yai on Friday thru Sunday in March. This is a chance to play golf and socialize with real live VIP's. If you are interested to join -- Email Jules -- 01 NOV 2015 -- "5 IN 1" BREAKFAST FLY-IN -- Come Join EAA THAILAND for a 5 in 1 breakfast Fly-In. Trip leader Mike will command a squadron from EASTERN to SRIRACHA to BANG PHRA to NONG KOR to EASTERN all before breakfast. The total distance is 52NM. All aircraft can join the expedition at any point and finish for the grand "As much as you can Eat" breakfast at Jim's Bar and Grill at EAA HQ -- -- If you want to join --
10 JAN 2105 -- CHILDREN'S DAY AT THAMAI -- Khun Suchard and the Black Dog went to Thamai Navy Airfield in Chantaburi on Children's Day to participate in the aviation demonstration for children. We were informed that 30,000 people were on the airfield. We are not sure of the exact number, but it sure felt like that number. George Macak from Eastern Airport organized the event and coordinated the invitation from the THAMAI RTN AIRBASE commander. This is a beautiful remote place down the coast near Trat. Suchard then went on to visit Klaeng, Pattaya Airpark, Eastern, and Bang Phra. "Wan Dek" is always a full day. (Khun Suchard pictured right)
11 OCT 2014 -- FUG BIN FREE -- TFC invited students form IAT at Kasetsart University to write an essay in English "Why do I want to fly." The winners came at 4pm on Saturday, 11 October to come and fly with our members. There was a small TFC TUI PARTY with coke and chips in the clubhouse, then we started to take the students on their First Flight -- -- This year's winners Khun Aoom (Worakamon Yodsuntie) and Khun Oat (Prapansak Raithong). Congratulations. Thank you Fernando, Harry, Tony Scragg, and Kruu Jira for volunteering to take our student winners flying. It was a great day for our student friends.
27 SEP 2014 -- ARAI SAN BACK AT THAI FLYING CLUB -- It was a very busy weekend at TFC. Marek came all the way from Vietnam to do some flying, and he brought his amazing video helicopter to display to all the members and hover spectacular images of the clubhouse and planes and horses as we watched the sun set. Araisan was back after many years. He is one of our most enthusiastic Japanese members, and Khun Charoen and he took the Robin for a flight over Koh Samet and back. Dr. Choladhis was back flying and riding and presenting many new TFC models complete with Hermes hand bags. The Damri Squadron was in full force flying the Grumman. We also celebrated with Kruu Jira (whose son just became a RTAF General). Kruu Jira is our great and long-standing TFC insturctor.
1-10 DEC 2014 -- BANG PHRA RUNWAY CLOSED FOR KASET FAIR -- We have just been informed that the Runway at VTBT will be closed for 12 days so the University can use the runway for parking during the Agricultural Fair. Any questions, please contact the TFC office.
24 AUG 2014 -- NEW GARDEN AND LIGHTS AT TFC -- The TFC Staff has been working hard to clean up the clubhouse. 15 trees removed. A lush garden of tropical flowers has been arranged around the clubhouse entrance. New electrics and a new fan. The most important improvement is the TFC TUI PARTY LIGHTS installed. Now, at the throw of a switch, an instant "TFC TUI PARTY" can be assembled. If you want to sponsor a party at the flying club and try out the new lights -- EMAIL TUI -- Thailand's first Bush Pilot and one of the founders of "Oshtak", Khun Mau Choladhis, came by to inspect all the work on the clubhouse with his son James. He was very pleased with the progress. Khun Mau is an experienced equestrian, so he did not miss the chance to jump on one of Chan Tui's Thai Horses that are grazing around the clubhouse. He brought his riding helmet too, so no one can say that Doc is not always prepared. It was Doc's dream many years ago to have horses at the flying club, so after flying, members could jump on a horse and go for a ride.
-- Khun Mike organized a flying one-day 11 aircraft marathon ending with a BBQ
Cookout at Eastern Airport. Everyone was welcome to join. The Force-4 from
Eastern consisted of Mike (Husky), George
(Citabria), Alex (Skyfox), and "TCAS"
Andreas (CTLS), and they were j
01 NOV 2014 -- ASIAN BEACH GAMES AIRSHOW IN PHUKET -- A week of flying activities at Phuket Airpark. Updates will come -- -- ALSO... Phuket Airpark wants to hire a "Plane Helper" who likes to work with planes and who speaks some English. They will pay 15,000 per month plus room and board. Live on the airfield and learn about maintenance and operations -- 23 OCT 2014 -- ONGKARAK FLY IN -- Klong 16 is one of the most active airports in Eastern Bangkok. Khun Boonyarit has been working hard to get people up in the air. He is organizing a fun rally and get together at Klong 16 -- so come out and have fun. All welcome. For more details Maj. Boonyarit -- 081 8665810 -- Email
01-02 NOV 2014 -- TAK
If you have
never seen it, don't miss it. The Ping River resplendent with Loy Kratong
and candles in their thousands floating down the river. Led by 21-22 AUG 2014 -- SAREX 2014 HUA HIN -- This year the Royal Thai Police will host this year's SAREX exercise in Hua Hin. Khun Peter is up on the details and will update us in due course. If you have any questions -- 28-31 AUG 2014 -- ELEPHANT POLO -- Come have fun and watch one of the unique events in Asia -- Elephant Polo. This year, the polo will be held in Lat Krabang at VR Sports Club -- Elephant Polo Schedule 29 MAR 2014 -- TFC TUI PARTY -- The TFC TUI PARTY is becoming famous all over Thailand. This Time, Nagashima san returned to feature at the party and to capture the action. Bon Cafe Andy was there. Fernando was in full form singing the Karaoke with Khun Tui, and Rolf was there and reminded everyone that "we are not here for fun." The food was delicious and Captain Jin was there with Captain Toon and Kruu Jira and Kruu Surapol and many Nak Bin Looktungs. The club had a recent visitor Mr Brian with his son Keng to come and check out the flying school and meet all the team. Khun Toon was on hand at the party. He is the faithful TFC "Documentary Officer" who answers everyone's emails and is very kind and polite and helps everyone with their DCA documents. He has now retired from TFC team. Everyone is reminded that you can sponsor a TFC TUI PARTY at anytime -- Just Email Khun Tui to get the ball rolling --
MAR 2014 -- THAI FLYING SCHOOL ACTIVITY -- Khun Jules reports that there is a lot of General Aviation flying instruction underway at Best Ocean Airpark. It appears that now Thai Flying Club and Best Ocean are the most active airports for private flight instruction. The best schools for commercial flying instruction appear to be IAT at Nakhon Phanom, BAC at Klong 15, CATC at Hua Hin, Royal Sky at Don Muang, and Sriracha Aviation at Sriracha. If you hear of more schools and activity, please let us know. Here is a picture of Kruu Piya at Best Ocean with his students Khun Mikae and Khun Jessadokorn who just soloed their Piper Warrior. Yin Dee. 12-15 JUN 2014 -- SUBANG AIR CARNIVAL -- there will be an international air carnival celebrating the wonders, might, and glamour of the aviation world at the SkyPark Regional Aviation Centre, Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah Airport (SkyPark Subang) on the Shah Alam side of the airport in the state of Selangor, Malaysia this year. The biennial Subang International Air Carnival will be held from 12 – 15 June 2014 in conjunction with Visit Malaysia Year 2014. The four-day event will be organized in partnership with SkyPark RAC Sdn Bhd and is fully supported by the Ministry of Transport and Ministry of Defence together with all its agencies. Subang IAC 2014 has been created to establish awareness and provide further knowledge on education, career and business prospects that the world of aviation can offer to the expected crowd of more than 100,000 people . The Subang IAC 2014 will feature static and air displays of flying clubs & academies, business jets, military aircraft and assets & commercial airliners together with other industry players. In addition to that, there will also be an exhibition showcasing the future of education and career opportunities in the aviation industry. Therefore, we are extremely excited to cordially invite all of you to join the big celebration. All aviation companies, flying academies and clubs, business and private aircraft owners interested to support this biennial aviation bash by contributing a few assets for static displays as well as a corporate booth for education and career, are most welcome. Space* is FREE and LIMITED and therefore, kindly confirm with us in advance on your interest and participation as well as flight plans. In the meantime, please feel free to communicate with us should you require any assistance. Raja Ridzlan -- 19 JAN 2014 -- NEW STUDENTS IN BANG PHRA -- We have 6 new students in Bang Phra, and Kruu Jin is working hard flying with them on the weekends. So Far, Roy, Aung, Blues, Johnson, Jerome have started their flying and Turbo from Japan is now ready to go too. Kruu Jin is very happy for the opportunity to get real instructing experience, before possibly moving on to an airline. This is the format that is used in the USA and around the world, where commercial pilots build their flight hours instructing before moving into commercial transport. It is an excellent opportunity for a young Thai instructor to improve his English up to an international standard before working in the airline world. Kruu Jin has already had several of his former fellow students ask him about his experience at TFC, and he says it has been very positive. He also is very proud of his students. Roy has been studying hard for a long time to start flying. Aung wants to start a flying club in Myanmar, so he is very keen. Everybody seems pleased. If you are at TFC and meet any of our new students, please say hi and welcome them to our flying community. Kruu Jin started at TFC in December 2013. He is a graduate of BAC and Royal Sky in Bangkok. He has his CPL, IR, MEL and IP ratings with now over 400 hours. Kruu Jin will also be running the Groundschool at Thai Flying Club. We have the study materials for our students. They can arrange group or solo groundschool sessions with Kruu Jin at the cost of 400 Baht per hour. Study your materials, and then write down your questions for Kruu Jin. If you want to book a lesson --
DEC 2013 -- IAT STUDENTS VISIT TFC -- Kruu Piya invites students from RMUTTO Institute of Aviation Technology to visit the club and learn about General Aviation. TFC Documentary Officer, Khun Toon, gave a lecture to the students about his duties and then Kruu Piya treated the students to a breathtaking aerobatic display in Khun Charn's Extra-300. TFC is always excited to have young University students come and visit to learn more about flying. 28 NOV 2013 -- PHUKET
NEW RESTAURANT NOW OPEN IN BANG PHRA -- Under new management with Faii, Kwang, Leiw, and Mot Dang -- our very own Bushpilot Restaurant in the clubhouse at Bang Phra is open now and the food is decicious. Also, these ladies offer good food at a good price. Now a coke has gone from 30 Baht per bottle to 12 Baht per bottle, so these girls are keen on business. If you have some time, fly into Bang Phra and have some delicous Thai or Western food on Sat and Sun. Some prices -- Omlette 35B - Breakfast Set 50B - Sandwich 15B - Spaghetti 40B - Stirfried Vegetables 30B - French Fries 20B - Singha Beer 30B. JUN 2013 -- THAILAND BECOMES SKYDIVING HUB OF ASIA -- Congratulations to Thailand DCA and to Thai Sky Adventures and to Bird Paradise for making Thailand the only place in all of Asia with properly functioning Skydiving Operations. The skydiving operation at Nong Kor Airport near Sriracha now operates up to 22 flights per day with state of the art equipment, instructors, and Pilatus Porter aircraft that climbs to 9,000' in less than nine minutes with up to 10 jumpers (Members and friends of TFC are able to have a 10% discount on Tandem Jumps if they email TFC). Bird Paradise has been in operation for 6 years with an Airvan that climbs to 12,000' and is based in Northeastern Thailand at Sawang Dandin Airport (between Udon Thani and Sakorn Nakorn). Well done Thailand to pioneer general aviation in Asia.
20 SEP 2013 -- TFC FRIEND OZZIE SAN RECEIVES FAI HONOR -- We are very pleased to report that our long-time TFC friend Ozzie San is still enjoying flying in Japan at 87 years old. He now has 2,500 hours, and recently was awarded The "Air Sports Medal" from FAI (Federation Aeronautic International) on 20 Sep 2013. His friend Mickey HARAMOTO is now flying actively at TFC and you can hear him on the radio speaking with the "Samurai Pilot." Ozzie has a famous flying history, and you can read about him on our Wilga Pilot Page. He has informed us of his new email address -- -- Ozzie (Azusa OSHIMA)
17-19 JAN 2014 -- UDON THANI AEC INTRODUCTORY AIRSHOW -- AEC introductory airshow, Udon Thani. Come and meet fliers from all over. Learn more about What is SAA ? – this is Siam Aviation Association, the new name for SFAT. We are about flying for fun and recreation. If you were a member of SFAT, you are now a member of SAA. If you want to know what AEC means or what the airshow is all about, email SAA -- JUL 2013 -- SMALL AIRPORTS STRUGGLING TO STAY OPEN (KLANG DONG NOW CLOSED) -- According to the DCA regulation from the 7th floor of the DCA. Every Temporary Airport in Thailand has to renew the airport license every month. We are not aware of any country in the world that has this procedure. It requires the owner to go to the DCA and file the documents, pay a 2,000 Baht fee, and then pick up the documents a week later. This regulation is causing extreme difficulty to general aviation and airport owners in Thailand. Previously, the airport operators could renew the airport permit every year, which was a good policy. No one understands the reason for this monthly airport renewal procedure and it is causing extreme pressure on small airport owners. Hopefully, for the benefit of General Aviation and Tourism in Thailand, this regulation will be updated and more in line with International ICAO practices. Recent news is that Klang Dong airport is now closed. This rule is causing a lot of difficulty and expense for small airport owners like Khun Prasert. Having small airports open is a great benefit to the country in times of natural disasters, because aircraft can fly in quickly and provide assistance.
13 MAY 2013 -- CESSNA C172 FOR SALE AT KLONG 15 -- Khun Tao has confirmed that he is selling his two Thielert Diesel Cessna 172 airplanes. You can come to view the planes at KLONG 15 AIRFIELD. More info -- AIRCRAFT FOR SALE 5-9 DEC 2013 -- TFC
Rolf has informed us that Alongzo is in charge of this years TFC Tour to the
North. Alongzo has just updated us with the particulars of the tour and who
is going. Everyone is welcome for a week or a day -- 1-9 DEC 2013 -- KASET FAIR IN BANG PHRA -- This is a great time to fly to Bang Phra and walk over to the Agricultural Fair next door. Lot's of things to eat and students displays and plenty of exotic tropical plants. OTHER NEWS -- Dr. Rolf is back and working on planning a SUPER TOUR with Amigo Alongzo to the North or somewhere for a week from 5 Dec. When they know something, they will tell us. Some people may be welcome to join them for part of their tour. Rolf reports that he was in Germany this summer and attended the Mid-August TANNKOSH FLY-IN in Bavaria, Germany. He says that over 2,000 small planes flew in from all over Europe -- Truly the Oshkosh of Germany. If we get some pictures, we will share them.
-- It is with great sadness that we report the passing of Tony Smallwood
earlier this morning. He flew his last solo flight today after a noble one
year battle against cancer. For those of you who knew him personally, he
remained a true gentleman right to the end, never losing his sense of humor
despite what must have been some horrific pain during his final hours. Tony
was a keen aviator who gave much to general aviation in Thailand. The
funeral will be this Friday 18th in Chiang Mai. Blue skies Tony. Gone but
not forgotten. For more information on the funeral --
AVIATION ? -- What is the EAA ? --
Mac sent us a little reminder from OSHKOSH -- 12 SEP 2013 -- BLACK DOG ARRIVES IN BANG PHRA -- Khun Toon from TFC main office arranged a warm welcome with Khun Tiffy and Khun Ploy for the Black Dog upon arrival in Bang Phra. The "Ma Dam" has been in Klong 15 being assembled and following the procedure to obtain documents for the past year, but all the procedures have been followed and we had a successful test flight and ferry flight to Bang Phra. On Saturday, TFC Aerobatic Specialist, Khun Charn, demonstrated the correct procedures for landing in Bang Phra. The Black Dog is a member of the "Damri Squadron" based at Klong 15 and mechanic Tui did an excellent job assisting with the re-assembly and TFC Avionics did an amazing job at installing the vhf and transponder. Thank you everyone for your help. 31 OCT - 04 NOV 2013 -- BIG-WAY BOOGIE AT BIRD'S PARADISE -- Please join us for a Big-way camp, Jumping and training with Asia’s best RW organisers: Nao and Eiko Shimura. This event is the first step towards setting a new Asian big-way formation record. No experience necessary, all training will be given. Maximum 20 participants, to be split into groups depending on skill/experience level. 6-way and 7-way formations, and lots of ground training and video de-briefs. Price: 41,000 THB includes 14 jumps. (Participants may of course arrive early and leave late if they wish to do more jumps, but attendance from the afternoon of the 31st to the evening of the 3rd is compulsory).
24 AUG 2013 -- TFC REUNION "DELTA-04" -- TFC Member David Ma has organized a reunion for the most successful TFC Groundschool class that we have ever had. They will be meeting this coming Saturday at the Blue Elephant in Bangkok at 7pm for a reunion dinner. David has worked tirelessly over the years to stay in touch will all the members of the Delta-04 TFC Groundschool class, and he has organized this reunion to find out how everyone has progressed. In this class we had students from Vietnam, Philippines, Thailand, India, USA, Japan and England. Congratulations David for your TFC Spirit.
2 JUL 2013 -- SFAT BECOMES SAA -- Sport Association of Thailand invites all members to a General Meeting at 5pm on TUESDAY in the Hotel of the Elephant Building, Zone A, 3300/116 Phaholyothin Road, Jomphon, Jatujak, Bangkok // The result of this General Meeting and then a subsequent meeting was that SFAT is now changing their name to SAA (SIAM AVIATION ASSOCIATION).
JUN 2013 -- TANGO SQUADRON CITABRIA BACK IN THE AIR -- Khun George and the Tango Squadron team have put a lot of effort to get the Citabria back in the air. The plane was under 3 feet of water in the Tango Squadron hangar at Don Muang Airport last year, but now it is back in the air. George is currently planning for the RASAT (Roy Aeronautical Sport Association of Thailand) trip to France to compete in the PARAMOTOR WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS (10-20 Sep 2013). Khun George, Khun Eed, and Khun Daniel are going to represent Thailand. The RASAT is FAI sanctioned representative in Thailand in charge of paramotor sports. The DCA of Thailand has authorized RASAT to oversee all paramotor sport activity in Thailand as well as all skydiving activity as well, so they are pretty busy. Everyone may be surprised to learn that Thailand is ranked second in the world (behind France) for Paramotor International competitions. Congratulations RASAT for this excellent performance, and we look forward to hear the results after September. 12 JUN 2013 -- TFC TEAM CLUBHOUSE MAINTENANCE -- The TFC Team never rests. This past week, Khun Nin, Khun Tui, Khun Toon, and Khun Rin have been on the job -- under the Bushpilot Clubhouse -- cleaning all the earth from the concrete foundations that support the clubhouse. The Bushpilot Clubhouse was built in 2001 by donations from TFC club members and friends and constructed by everyone on the weekends when they would come to the club. This is the 12th year of the clubhouse, and it is still going strong. We would like to thank the TFC team for their hard work in maintaining the TFC clubhouse in top shape.
7-10 OCT 2013 --
Greetings form AOPA China. We'd like
to welcome you to join AOPA China International Flight Training Exhibition
on October 7-10 in Shenzhen, China. We're also looking forward to discuss
all types of possible cooperation to make your participation in this event
as fruitful as possible.We’re able to assist all of you who are interested
to come and participate and strengthen Chinese GA presence abroad, and
international GA presence in China. We’re also interested in developing
cooperation agreements between our communication networks (TV, internet,
magazine, etc.) to ensure the fruitful future of GA in and out of China. For
more information on AOPA China, please contact us or go to: For info about the event,
please go to: Additionally, some info on our
most proximate event FYI: 2013 AOPA China “Nadamu Flight Fair” in Inner
Mongolia- July 1-October 15 (a month of flight, nature, culture and
29-30 NOV 2013 -- INDIA's FIRST GENERAL AVIATION FLY-IN -- AOPA India is organizing the first Indian Fly-In in Baramati (near Pune in the area of Mumbai). This is "wine country" in India, and it is a beautiful area to fly around. India has some fine Sauvignon Blancs and Shiraz, and Ramesh should know, because he is a winemaker. For more information on this fly-in, check Bangalore Flying Club or email Ramesh --
30 APR 2013 -- SFAT NEWS -- The SFAT trip to Phetchabun was a good success. Gerry and Peter joined the seminar on aerial seeding of forest, organised by Palat Veera. Trees planted from the air two years ago are now 5 meters tall. Capt Pridi flew HS-FAG from Sawang DaenDin, along with 2 x Jabiru 170's, Gerry's fast Virus, and Reg and Jirawat with Zenair 701 and 750. Nice, cool and green surroundings at Khao Kho Valley Resort. Trips for the future - Chicken and som tam lunch Mae Sot, seafood dinner on the beach at Chumpon. The process of Aerial Seeding of Forests has caught the attention of the THAI BUSH PILOTS and this will be a tremendous activity to encourage to boost the positive benefits of General Aviation in Thailand. If you have any ideas, please share them with us --
10 Mar 2013 -- TFC STUDENT PILOT STATUS -- Congratulations to Khun Toon and Khun Tui who have been working VERY HARD to get the SPL, Validations, and PPL from the DCA. Some have taken as long as 7 months, but at long long last, they are here at the club. All of our student pilot members can now come and start flying. Please email -- -- to book a flight. You can book with Kruu Samran and fly during the week. Weekend is no extra fee. Weekdays, you must book 2 hours minimum and pay an additional 1,000 Baht Instructor Transport fee. Here are the new licenses just received at the club. SPL (student license) -- Babu Indergand, Alexandre Vaillant, Vincenzo Agostino, Kaixin Liang, Bruno Aldeert, Daniel Monk, Aung Kyaw Moe, Tony Scragg, Jinjing Fu, Min Yeob Ji, Bavid Ma, Luzvimindo Cabaluna, Pisit Kampeera, Martin Luoni, Michael Gebbie. Validation -- Derek Buckley, Peter Glaum, Joshua Clements, Sangchol Bang, Shashank Sharma, Gerard Malledant, Iain Flitecroft. PPL -- Marek (waiting medical), Torleif (waiting Khun Joy apx 1 week).
9-10 MAR 2013 -- GEORG MACAK WINS PRECISION FLYING EVENT -- The 2013 PFE will be held at Eastern again on 9th and 10th March 2013, as part of the runway-extension celebrations. This year, George led the field, followed by Britain and Norway. We are waiting for some photos. TFC's Fernando Alongzo was there in spirit and loved the event so much that he will be back again. View Highlights of 2013 PFE 1 DEC 2012 -- DOKKRAI AIRPORT CLOSED -- Dokkrai Airfield is now closed to air traffic. The previous permit holder has cancelled it from 30th November. Efforts are being made to reinstate the permit as soon as possible. The runway will continue to be maintained in a serviceable condition. Please monitor this and the hotel site for updates -- 7 Dec 2012 -- NEW AIRPORT IN PRACHINBURI -- Khun Joe has been roaming the Thai countryside and found a new airport. We are always excited at the appearance of a new airport. The new airport is PRACHOM KLAO located at King Mongkut University, South of Prachinburi. It has a N/S runway, 800' elevation, 800 m length. We need a PHOTO and a GPS location, so start your engines and send us some info. For more information on this airstrip --
JAN 2013
-- The group hosted by Phuket Airpark and Phuket Flying Club was Aero Thai
ATC. A group of 17 new and current ATC controllers together with their
supervisors visited the Phuket Airpark for the airway approval renewal
signing. Phuket Flying Club provided airplane flight, skydiving
demonstration, hot air balloon and large buffet meal. More than 60 members
and guest were in attendance for this educational, networking, and
entertaining event. 05 JAN 2013 -- KHUN DENNY & KHUN SAVATE BACK IN THE AIR -- Very exciting news on Saturday, as Khun Denny and Khun Savate completed a successful flight to Hua Hin and back. They have been on vacation from the club for about 5 years as Khun Savate because the Champion Skeet competitor in Thailand for 12 guage and was representing Thailand. However, Khun Denny said that "flying is in the blood," so how can they forget. Khun Tarn has been working very hard to get HS-SKY back in the air, and everyone was thrilled to welcome these experienced veteran TFC pioneers back to the club. Congratulations to everyone for getting the Robin back in the air and welcome back Denny and Savate. JAN 2013 -- MAREK STILL WAITING FOR HIS LICENSE -- TFC Documentary Officer Tony is working hard to find out what has happened to TFC Member Marek's PPL license. He completed all his training at TFC and took a flight test, and now he has been waiting about 6 months for the license. No one is sure what the problem is and Khun Tony is actively pursuing Khun Chatchawan at the DCA to find out where about 20 SPL applications, Validations, and PPL licenses have gone. This is an exciting story and we will keep you posted. Mar 2013 -- US$1,000 ROYALTY FEE FOR ALL PLANES LANDING AT SIEM REAP -- The Cambodian SSCA charges us$1,000 Royalty Landing Fees for any aircraft that lands in Siem Reap. However, no one can confirm where this money is going and who is actually charging it. This is a direct obstacle to General Aviation in Asia. Cambodia has already cancelled their flying school activities and has greatly restricted General Aviation over the past few years -- -- We are grateful for the positive support of General Aviation in Thailand from the Thai DCA.
WHY WE DO IT... DO YOU REMEMBER YOUR FIRST FLIGHT -- For anyone in any country around the world who wonders what is the purpose of General Aviation... Please have a look at this. This is why we fly... Enjoy -- 23 Mar 2013 -- BREITLING JET AEROBATIC TEAM COMING TO DON MUANG -- At 9:30am the Breitling Jet Aerobatic team will be visiting Thailand and giving a performance for free. This is in celebration of 27 March Commemoration Day which marks the formation of the Siam Army Flying Corps in 1914. There will also be some Thai Airforce Aerial displays. Don't miss this exciting event -- 20 DEC 2012
-- As a result of three unauthorized incursions into BKK ATC by U-registered
Ultralight aircraft the following results were announced from Aerothai at a
recent meeting in Bangkok. Thank you to Peter Thompson for his excellent
summary to share with all in the interest of aviation safety -- Following
three U- aircraft incidents in Bangkok TCA in 3 weeks, one of which involved
diversion of two commercial flights on final approach, Aerothai called a
meeting at their Suwannaphum office. The main points from this meeting are: 12 JAN 2013 -- TFC NEW YEAR PARTY AT 5:00 PM -- Chief Documentary Officer at TFC has announced that there will be a TFC NEW YEAR PARTY in the Bush Pilot Clubhouse at TFC on Saturday. Everyone is invited for FREE FOOD and maybe beer. 7-9 dogs who live on the runway in Bang Phra will be there for sure, and there will be a SECRET SURPRISE VISITOR arriving at 5pm. Also Mrs Gillian from Queensland, Australia will be coming to visit us. Her husband is a 767 pilot and they both love aviation and are excited to become involved with TFC. Our new TFC instructor Captain Sumran Gettong will be at the party. He is from RTAF 604 Squadron and is a good friend of Kruu Pok. Kruu Ran has 1200 hours on a 747-400 as a "loaned pilot," so everyone is welcome to ask him what that means. So far, Khun Worawoot, Charn, Fernando and Tony have shown great interest in the event. If you have any questions about what to wear to the TFC New Year Party, email TFC -- 8-9 NOV 2012 -- THE GREAT MAE SARIANG AIRLIFT -- At his own expense, Khun Samnao Noysakul, "Capt. SkyHawk" who does the Channel 7 SkyNews with a Robinson R44 (and who came to VTBT to cover Sarex 2011) invited SFAT to help show Mae Sariang school kids that they too could be aircraft mechanics and pilots. SFAT sent Uthai, Sunny, Reg, Peter and Adjarn Arkom, who talked with the Pathom 4 and 5 students, and gave some lucky passengers a look at their school from the air. Mae Sariang is tucked in a beautiful mountain valley in Mae Hong Son province, close to Myanmar border and to Thai hill tribes. By road, it is one of those places reached by a "two thousand curves". Take the time to fly in - you'll love it. Of course, the inimitable Khun ALI and his son Khun Chakrin (now caretaker of VTCS) were there ,and we all had a nice lunch afterwards. Now that he has passed the baton, Khun Ali has time to raise his fighting cocks, goats and cattle. The Airport Shuttle often has 4 legged pax -- View the great Mae Sariang Airlift by Channel 7
16 NOV 2012 -- 26 AIRCRAFT NOW BASED AT KLONG 15 -- Khun Mac is a keen Thai Aviation enthusiast, and loves to visit Klong 15 Airfield near Ongkarak in Nakhon Nayok. He has enthusiastically reported that Klong 15 now has 26 aircraft based on the field. This shows the growth of General Aviation in Thailand -- -- A list of the planes currently in the hangar: HS-ATB -- HS-ATG -- HS-AZZ -- HS-CLP -- HS-COB -- HS-DOG -- HS-JAT -- HS-LAX -- HS-MTG -- HS-SBA -- HS-SBB -- HS-TFC -- HS-TII -- U-B08 -- U-B92 -- U-C05 -- U-C15 -- U-C89 -- U-C99 -- U-ILL -- U-M99 -- U-S14 -- U-S91 -- U-T02 -- O-1 Birddog, #5044/ 53154 -- one SOCATA TB-9. 21 or 28 DEC 2012 -- PERAK AIR CARNIVAL IN MALAYSIA -- Refer to the above and we are pleased to inform your good self that in conjunction with the Visit Perak Year 2012, MATTA Perak in cooperation with Tourism Perak and Tourism Malaysia is planning to hold an air carnival at Lapangan Terbang Sultan Azlan Shah, Ipoh tentatively on 21 – 23 December 2012 or 28 -30 December 2012. The main aim of organising this event is to provide the tourism and aviation industry players an avenue to promote their products and services which include attractive and beautiful tourist destinations in Perak and also to expose the aviation related products and services to the visitors coming to the event under one roof. Further to the above, with great pleasure we are inviting your esteemed organization to participate in the air carnival. Kindly advise us your terms and conditions on the services that your company is going to provide and participate i.e. Static display of aircrafts, Joyrides - airplanes & helicopter, Skydiving, Free Fall Displays, Para jump activity Aerobatic show, Fly-past and General Aviation Fly-By by Flying Clubs. For any further enquiries and clarifications on the above event, please contact Mr. Amin at 012-5754039 or Ms Aiza at 05-2552261 or email us at 7-17 Dec 2012 -- HIMALAYAN PARAMOTOR YATRA -- Certainly an aviation event not to miss. Khun Natasha Shrestha and Avia Club Nepal will be back in the air organizing a great aviation event in Nepal. 219 km cross country aviation exercise for paramotors. Why not fly in for it? For more information -- -- or contact Natasha --
26 Oct 2012 -- DOG REPORT "GAMNAN STYLE" -- The Dog population living around the runway in Bang Phra is active again. TFC Documentary Officer Toon has removed 5 puppies from the club last week, and now there are only 8 dogs remaining on the runway. Recently, Khun Tony has started to make the TFC RAP VIDEO "GAMNAN STYLE" with the dogs dancing back and forth across the runway. Please exercise caution when operating from Bang Phra. 28 Oct 2012 -- HOT NEWS !!! -- EASTERN AIRPORT TO EXTEND LENGTH TO 500 METERS -- Thanks to Khun George, his new Citabria, and his fluent Thai skills, politics may have won the day and increased the length of Eastern Airport back to 500 meters. This airport fluctuates in length depending on the cassava season and the relations with the farmer at the end of the runway, but things are looking very good at the moment. Thank you all for your friendly support and safe flying and let's help make this runway longer. Jim informs us that the cable on the threshold of runway 19 has been buried (25 Nov 2012).
28-30 NOV
-- Exciting news, as Khun Neil from
Pattaya Airport reports the KRABI
flyin will have free parking and wave all fees. Malaysia, Singapore are
coming up for this great aviation meeting with Thai DCA former DG Khun
Vutichai and RASAT Khun Neil giving an aviation conference about the "Vision
of GA in ASEAN Countries." Col. Amrung from SFAT will also join this
conference. The actual meeting is on the 29th. This is an exciting General
Aviation Event, and we look forward to welcoming the Malaysia Sports Flying
Association to Thialand. If you want to attend or any questions --
31 OCT 2012 -- SPIRIT OF NOUMEA LANDS AT BAN THI -- We have heard from Marc Perdu, and he made a successful visit to Ban Thi in Northern Thailand where Robert Hupertz looked after them. "Spirit of Noumea", Marc and Christian landed 10:02 at VTCM, Lanna Airfield yesterday and did the maintenance on their AERO SPOOL UL aircraft. It was interesting meeting these two pilots, unfortunately they did not have much time. They left Lanna at 17:00 for Chiang Mai international airport to fly today to Yangon, Burma.we are excited to hear of this planned visit to Thailand from the remote isle of Noumea --
25 Oct 2012 -- DCA INSPECTION -- Khun Chumpol and his co-workers from Thai DCA came to visit Eastern, Bang Phra, and Pattaya Airpark recently. Then came to check the airstrip and the documents of all the planes. At Eastern Airport, they were welcomed by Khun Jim and they proceeded to check everyone's paperwork C of A and C of R. The DCA contacted Jim one week in advance. The Inspection took 3 hours, and everything was in order and they were very pleased with the proper order and 100% legal status of the flying community at Eastern. They also visited Bang Phra. Khun Toon reported that there were 10 flights on the weekend, so this was a very active day indeed for Bang Phra. Khun Neil said that he had a very good visit from the DCA, and he said they were very pleased with Khun Neil's good progress and safe flying. 1-9 DEC 2012 -- IMPORTANT -- BANG PHRA AIRPORT MAY CLOSE DURING KASET FAIR -- We have just heard that there is a chance that Bang Phra may be closed during the Kaset Fair at Rajamangala University. The runway is on University property and they may need it for parking during the fair. If you are unsure about this status of the runway, please call the NOTAM OFFICE 022859087 -- or you can call the club and ask to speak to Khun Tui --
1-8 Dec 2012
-- Fernando Ponza is CEO of the 2012 TFC Winter Tour. This year, we
have members of SFAT, TFC, PFC, AOPA, various Flying Clubs.
Fernando has promised a very exciting venue. If you are interested in signing up for this exciting week long
flight around Thailand, please email --
Jul 2012 -- AFFORDABLE
-- As everyone who flies in Thailand knows, maintaining avionics and radios
is a problem. The humidity is hard on aviation electronics, and it is very
difficult to find a place to repair them. The TFC Avionics Shop has several
million baht of spare parts in stock and a technician full time available to
look at your radio and give you a quote for repair. If you are interested in
buying a Dynon for your Experimental Aircraft or if you want to know the
correct procedure for importing a radio and obtaining the radio permit in
Thailand, then TFC Avionics is the
place for y
22 Jul 2012 -- FOR THE LOVE OF FLYING -- Khun Charn is one of the leading civilian aerobatic pilots in Thailand. He has been flying for many years, and most of his 1,200 hours are in tailwheel aircraft like his Grob, his former Cap 10, and his beloved Extra 300. This Sunday, however, Charn hired the club's Cessna 150 and practiced and took it around the patch. When he hopped out, he had the same smile on his face that he has after he has flown the Extra. Charn told us that he likes to keep current in many different types of planes, and while his two planes have some paperwork issues, it was a perfect time to take up the 150. Watching Charn fly the 150 took some of us back for a moment, and reminded us why we started to fly in the first place -- for the love of it. Thank you Khun Charn for reminding us what it is all about.
13-15 Sep 2012 -- SAREX IN KHORAT -- The well-known Search and Rescue exercise will be in Khorat this year. We will update with photos asap. 18 Sep 2012 -- GRAND CARAVAN DISPLAY AT SRIRACHA -- Cessna will have a Cessna Grand Caravan come to Thailand during its Asia tour. We will have the Grand Caravan at Sriracha Aviation Park for static display on September 18 in the afternoon. We would like to invite you and member of Thai Flying Club to see this aircraft at Sriracha Aviation Park on that day. Everyone is welcome -- 15 Sep 2012 (3pm) -- PHUKET FLYING CLUB MEETING -- There will be a PHUKET FLYING CLUB meeting at PHUKET AIRPARK to organize the flying club. Here is a message from Khun Pat -- Gentlemen, The Phuket Flying Club is far from dead!!! Requesting your input and support: The future of the Phuket Airpark is in question, but our passion for aviation is alive and well and very separate from the Club. The Phuket Flying Club (association) has an approaching members meeting mid Sept. Please help spread the word that members, non-members, pilots, and aviation enthusiast are all most welcome. Without a plane this year the Flying Club actives have slipped to zero, together with membership payments and new members. You, as current and future members of the Flying Club (living on or visiting Phuket), let’s find a way to turn our passion for aviation into an active social, flying, and aviation educational association. A Club that offers (in the future) not only flying but the many different facets of aviation that has captured our imagination: Safety seminars, guest visitors and speakers, air shows and fly-ins, ground school courses, tower and Airport visits, and buddy seat flights with other aero clubs in the region….the list is endless. Phuket and aviation minded persons need and want the shared knowledge possible from, and freely offered by the future Phuket Flying Club. Please attend the Club meeting Sept 14th at the Airpark. Please invite everyone you know that shares your interest in general aviation. Thanks in advance for the support -- -- email Pat --
-- Exciting news at TFC. Khun Saknarin Ammaraporn is the new "Documentary
Officer" at TFC. His nickname is now "TONY" and he loves his new
name. Khun Tony is from Chonburi and is 23 years old. He majored in English
at Burapha University with a Minor in Cultural Resources Management. He
comes from a Navy family, and his girlfriend, Khun Tiffy, lives right next
to Thai Flyi
May 2012 -- CLUB 172 BACK IN THE AIR -- After 7 months on the ground, the club has replaced the seatbelts and some hoses in ATE, so the plane can fly again. David Tuck is a keen TFC member who has been very excited to get back in the air. Khun Tui is busy making a new daughter but took time out to welcome new TFC member Min from Korea. Min has joined the new self-study TFC groundschool and will start flying at TFC soon. In the last weekend of May, TFC member Rolf, organized a monthly chicken party for members and staff. TFC member Damri came to visit with Khun Aom and were welcomed by Secretary Worawoot. The Chicken was delicious and Fernando "Alongzo" Ponsa was in very good form. Rolf has promised that there will be a TFC chicken party every month at TFC.
22 Mar 2012 -- PPL VALIDATIONS -- Validations of PPL licenses are now taking over 4 months to process at DCA. PPL validations submitted in November 2011 are still "in process." We apologize for this delay, and if we find out the cause, we will try to fix it. Thank you for your patience. We are also pleased that now SFAT (Sport Flying Association of Thailand) has offered to help TFC find out why there is a delay in this process.
29-02 July 2012 -- 100 YEAR ANNIVERSARY RTAF AIRSHOW WING 6 DON MUANG -- Airshow in Bangkok with Blue Phoenix (RTAF PC-9 AEROBATIC TEAM). View the Thai movie about the First Flight in Thailand in 1911 --
26 Jan 2012 -- HAPPY BIRTHDAY KRUU SURAPOL -- Thai Flying Club is very honored to announce the 80th birthday of Senior Instructor Kruu Surapol. If you have ever wanted to fly with "living history" then Thai Flying Club is the place to do it. Kruu Surapol has flown almost everything and he is still flying every weekend at Thai Flying Club. From 1965-1967 he served as an instructor in Combat Training J-Unit "Water Pump" for the US Air Force in Laos. His CIA name was Lieutenant Tow Dam Neun. You can read more about TFC's 80 year old Senior Instructor on TFC HISTORY page -- Happy Birthday Kruu. Keep on flying !!!
28 Apr 2012 -- 7TH ANNIVERSARY DINNER AT NOK FLYING CLUB IN CHIANGMAI -- NOK Aviation Flying Club’s 7th Anniversary Dinner to be held at Ban Thi NOK Airport on Saturday 28th April 2012 from 7pm. This special anniversary dinner will be held in the Clubhouse – fee 300 baht per person for food and entertainment with drinks available for purchase from the Club bar. In order to cater for this event we MUST know in advance whether you and your guests are coming. The cut-off date for replies is 21st April 2012. Please let us know before 21st April whether or not you wish to attend. We look forward to seeing you on 28th April --
24-26 Feb 2012 -- PHUKET FLY-IN -- Khun Suchard reports that there is a fly-in at Phuket Airpark with a Extra 300 airshow over Patong on the 24th and a skydiving guy that glides into the beach -- 17 December 2011 -- TFC PARTY IN BUSHPILOT CLUBHOUSE – TFC Wintertour Post Party to be hosted by Alongzo John Fernando Ponsa with a Trip Report to be presented by Dr. Rolf and Andrea. Worawoot will be present and we will hear all about the first TFC Winter Tour in 6 years -- which by all accounts was a great success. 13-15 Jan 2012 -- CHILDRENS DAY DOWN SOUTH -- Pattani, Yala, Narathiwat -- Don't miss this great opportunity to see the southern Thai border provinces of Pattani, Yala, and Narathiwat. January 13 - fly down via Chumporn and Surat Thani to Pattani Overnight: C S Pattani Hotel January 14 - take off from Pattani 09:45 fly low pass over Princess Mother Park Pattani, then Longchangpuek Grounds Yala and Naratach Beach, Narathiwat, landing Narathiwat Overnight: Imperial Narathiwat January 15 - return trip to home airport This trip is arranged by SFAT, and the Southern Border Province Command, and fueling has been arranged. If you would like to join, please contact Uthai, or Peter --
04-11 December 2011 -- 9 PLANES PARTICIPATE IN TFC WINTER TOUR – TFC committee member Dr. Rolf reports that the TFC winter tour was a great success with 9 aircraft participating and approximately 14 hours flown. TFC Manager Worawoot advised us that Rolf and Fernando hosted delicious dinners every night, so Worawoot will now have to go on a diet. This is the first TFC Winter Tour that we have seen for about 6 years. The itinerary was as follows -- Sun Dec 4: VTBT – VTUU (overnight at Sedhapura by Thosang Hotel, Kong Chiam) -- Mon Dec 5: VTUU – VTUW Kings Birthday holiday (overnight at River View Hotel in Nakhon Phanom at the Mekong) -- Tues Dec 6: VTUW – VTUL (overnight at Loei Palace) -- Wed Dec 7: VTUL – VTCT (overnight at Meridien Chiang Rai) -- Thur Dec 8: VTCT – VTCC (overnight either Meridien or Empress or else) -- Fri Dec 9: VTCC – MaeSariang (overnight at River View Hotel) -- Sat Dec10: MaeSariang – Umphang (if registered) – Tak -- Sun Dec 11: Tak – VTBT -- ROLF REPORT -- coming soon: Pol Major-Gen. Attagrit, head of Loei district, who worked hard and successfully for the Loei fly-in, arranged dinner on banks of Loei River on Dec 6.
01 Mar 2010 -- BREAKING NEWS -- NOW YOU CAN DO PPL MEDICALS AT BANGKOK HOSPITAL -- Now the DCA has finally approved that Student Pilot Medicals for PPL applicants do not have to be conducted at Phumibol Hospital, and you do not have to sit a psychiatric exam anymore. This procedure used to take 3 months and almost everyone failed the psychiatric exam. Now you can go to do your Class 2 Thai Medical at Bangkok Hospital with Doctor Kay. No more Aptitude Test. For more information, call the Worawoot Hotline or email Alex at Eastern Airport who just did the medical in one day -- -- Alex says make sure you call Bangkok Hospital first and schedule a day when both Dr. Kay and the Psychological exam are possible. You visit the Psychiatrist first (no exam) and he just talks to you, and then you visit Dr. Kay and he signs your Medical. Well done Thailand for improving this system, so that aviation in Thailand can grow. Cost information: the First Student Aviation Medical is 2,500 Baht at Phumibol Hospital and 7,000 Baht at Bangkok Hospital. Some experts feel that the extra cost is worth the reduced hassle. 14 November 2011 -- NOVEMBER IN PARADISE – Peter Thomson organized a very successful trip to the north this past weekend to photograph the new 3rd Thai Lao Friendship Bridge at Nakhon Phanom and to take in some of Khun Bird's famous hospitality at Bird's Paradise Extreme Resort, 44nm VTUD.R079. Those who have visited know this is a great place to spend a night -- The trip to Isan to see the new bridge and fly along the Mekhong went well. We stayed with Khun Bird, and sat down to dinner in Sawang Daen Din town Sat night with 20 flying friends, including Bird, Somkiat and Kru Pridi. Aircraft were -- J120 Sunny and Rakop -- CTLS Fernando and Alisdair -- Remos GX Dr Rolf and Andrea -- Aviat Husky Mike and Jim -- C182 Pornthep -- J170 Peter and Reg -- J450 Uthai, Brent and May -- A lot of laughs, and some nice flying weather. Many thanks to Khun Bird and team, including Dag - Sai Mool Control, and good luck to new UPL Gilbert for your exams, More pics and a story soon.
15 Sep 2011 -- NAK BIN LOOKTUNG AWARD – TC member Khun Damri is presented the "Nak Bin Looktung" Award for Safe Flying when he had a recent forced landing un near Khao Yai. Damri was flying when he noticed a drop in oil pressure, then an increase in engine oil temperature with some oil leak from the engine. He executed a precautionary landing while he still had some engine power. He selected a corn field, he kept his wheels up, and made an excellent landing into the corn. The aircraft wings and under fuselage are damaged, but everyone left the aircraft without a scratch. Congratulations Damri on excellent judgment and safe flying under pressure. Khun Damri flies out of Klong 15 airport and is one of the most active General Aviation pilots in Thailand today.
01 Aug 2011 -- RTN SEAPLANE PROJECT – Kruu Billy is a member of our TFC Instructor Team. He has informed us about a very exciting project underway at the Royal Thai Navy Airbase at U-Taphao. The RTN Seaplane project has purchased a kit seaplane and are constructing it at U-Taphao airbase. Kruu Billy is one of the designers and on the construction team. They have already completed the fuselage and are now working on the wing. Kruu Billy is using this opportunity to help teach his fellow aviator friends about seaplane operations and seaplane design. Kruu Billy was very interested in some of the operational techniques used with seaplanes, and one of these was the bush pilot terminology of the "greasy spot" which identifies a particular hull angle obtained on take off, which allows the aircraft to accelerate quickly to lift off speed. If anyone is interested in flying into U-Taphao and visiting this RTN project, then email Kruu Billy --
17 Sep 2011 -- KENNY GETS PPL IN HIS SIA MARCHETTI – Khun Kenny has been training hard in his Sia Marchetti with Kruu Piya for many months, and today was the day. DCA inspector Ga arrived at TFC to give Kenny his check ride. Kenny has 85 hours in the Sia Marchetti, and he passed with flying colors. Kruu Piya is very proud of Kenny. Kenny is now interested in learning some aerobatics. Congratulations to our new PPL member and our instructor team.
04 Sep 2011 -- KRUU AKE
– Khun Marec is from Czech Republic and he lives and works in Vietnam. He
has wanted to get his PPL for many years, but it is not possible to fly
anywhere in Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos nor Burma, so he chose TFC to get his
flying license. Marec waited 3 months for the DCA to process his SPL
application, and last weekend he started flying with Kruu Ake for 4 lessons.
No one could have imagined how quickly he would go solo. This past Saturday,
Marec went solo in Bang Phra, and he made TFC history by completing 7
flights for a total of 8 hours of flight training in one weekend. Learning
to fly is hard work mentally and physically. Kruu Ake told us that it is not
common to find a student who can do this, but Marec has been studying hard
and working very diligently to please his instructor. Everyone at TFC is
watching to see how long it will take Khun Marec to complete his PPL
license, at this rate, he could be the fastest person ever in TFC history to
get a PPL license. Congratulations to Kruu Ake and Khun Marec for your
outstanding progress.
03 Sep 2011 -- DOUBLE
– We have not seen a TFC party like this for almost 6 years, but it was a
true event held in the TFC clubhouse with a full compliment of Members, TFC
mechanics and staff, and friends. Everybody had gathered to congratulate TFC
manager Worawoot on his PPL license. Worawoot passed his PPL checkride last
weekend, and he also makes TFC history, because he is probably the only
student in the world who had about 300 hours before passing his PPL.
Congratulations Worawoot. The party was also a congratulations for Khun
Marec and his first solo and for Romas, our Canadian friend, who soloed last
weekend. The best part of the party was the food. Dr. Rolf and Alongzo
Fernando were there with Khun Charn and Lek and Nuni and a host of TFC
students and friends. Kruu Ake suggested that the next TFC party should be
held when all the students get their PPL, so we can host another Bang Phra
Airshow and have some balloon bursting fun. At 9:00am
on Saturday morning,
TFC had a visit from the Subaru Club with 40 cars and about 20 young ladies
wearing their sport car fashion promotion wear. It was an exciting event and
the club was excited to meet the car enthusiasts who drive everywhere in
Thailand -- -- -- We hope
you will come back soon and try some flying.
01 Sep 2011 -- 50
– We have 6 weeks left to save Phuket
Airpark. Khun Suchard has spent several years and a fortune to create a
General Aviation Airpark in Phuket. He has had to borrow 50 million Baht to
buy and develop the 124 Rai of land in a prime location in Phuket. The
runway is finished, but he owes the bank 50 million Baht. In 6 weeks time,
he will have to sell the entire airpark to a land developer to build block
houses, and we will have lost any chance for a general aviation airport ever
again in Phuket. Khun Suchard is now offering for sale for 50 Million Baht
any part of the airpark for 50 million Baht. Please study the diagram of the
airpark and make an offer for what you would like to buy for 50 million Baht
and negotiate with Suchard. It is possible that the entire Southern section
of the Airpark could be developed into a resort or houses. This will allow
the airport to remain. The clock is ticking. There are already 10 landowners
along the runway, perhaps a group of investors can get together and help
raise the 50 million Baht to help pay off the Bank loan and save the
Airport. Now is the time. If you have any offers to help raise 50 million
Baht, then go to Phuket Airpark and meet Suchard or send your
email and we will get the
message to Suchard.
Jul 2011 -- SAREX 2011 REPORT
– SFAT and Khun Uthai requested all aircraft to join the SAREX 2011 at
Pattaya and Sriracha. Activities included Flying Over Grand Opening on Koh
Loy, Sriracha, then flying over the Pattaya Gulf on a Search mission. The
highlight this year was the return of a single-engine helicopter R44 News
Copter to Thailand from PetroChemRubber Rayong Technical College. The
technology in their camera system is truly amazing. Have a look --
2011 -- SAVE A PLANE
– There is a very nice Piper Cherokee airplane at Thai Flying Club. It has
fallen into disrepair. Someone took the seats out and other parts off, and
then they went away. The owner Khun Wichai Pettongkam loves this airplane
and wants to get it back in the air. If you love to fly and want to be a
partner in this airplane, this may be a good opportunity for you. Please
come to Thai Flying Club to look at this plane or
emaill Khun Tom (0890922711) or
talk to Khun Wichai directly to help him save this plane -- phone:
0816337082. He does not want to sell the plane, but he would welcome a
partner who can help to get it flying again. This could be a very good
opportunity for someone to get a share in a plane for a very good price. All
negotiable -- TFC aircraft for sale Jul 2011 -- EXPERT AIRCRAFT PAINTING IN THAILAND – Adjan Eam is one of the most professional and meticulous aviation painters that we have seen in this country. He does all the painting for the Royal Thai Navy in U-Taphao. He works with his wife Khun Wee and can Strip, FCR, Paint and aircraft in about 10 days. He is very very good. He charges between 130,000 - 180,000 Baht per plane (depending on the size) which includes all paint and materials. Call him if you speak Thai -- 0894037159 -- or email Tom.
Jun 2011 -- Eastern Airport Runway Shortened – ATTENTION. Eastern Airport has lost the North end of its runway. The actual runway length is now about 350 meters. The farmer has decided to plant Cassava and plowed up the runway. Eastern Airport 3-11 December 2011 -- AGRICULTURE FAIR AT BANG PHRA – Every year the Rajamangala University at Bang Phra (next to the flying club) has a splendid agricultural show with students outdoor restaurants and booths. Delicious food and all kinds of beautiful plants to buy and things to do. Don't miss this fun event. 25-27 November 2011 -- TRIP TO MAE HONG SON & NAN -- for more info -- ESSENTIAL REPORTING POINT
INFORMATION -- the latest
on how to report around Bangkok ATC safely |
May 2011 -- AIRCRAFT PARKING IN KLANG DONG -- Khun Prasert offers the most affordable hangar parking in Thailand at 3,000 Baht per month -- Klang Dong Airport. Parking for aircraft at Pattaya Airpart is now 4,500 Baht per month. |
CHECK NOTAM BEFORE FLIGHT -- Aerothai now has a Notam webpage to check Notams before flight. The page has one problem, because it does not allow you access to the Notams until you register (and this takes one day), so the page is not helpful to someone new who wants to check a notam before a flight. However, the Club has created a LOGON and PASSWORD for TFC members to use to check notams right away -- 1. 2. Click GRAPHIC NOTAM 3. Enter email --> Enter password --> password 5. Click GRAPHIC NOTAM 6. Scan current and relative NOTAMS. There is also a valuable SATELLITE WEATHER map on this page. This can show you current areas of cloud cover in Thailand if planning cross country flights. Chok dee. |
-- TFC President Khun Pee has challenged TFC manager Worawoot with the mission
of translating the TFC webpage into
Thai. This way, we can get more Thai students. Standby for more news on this
exciting development.... which may take some time. |
-- We have recently learned that Khun Hans is the new owner of
DokKrai. Hans owns the Seamax
amphibious aircraft at Pattaya Airpark and he loves flying. When he saw
DokKrai, he was excited to learn that it was for sale, and he bought it. If
you want to meet Khun Hans, fly over to Dokkrai and say hello. |
June 2011 -- KLONG 15 ACCIDENT UPDATE -- It is very important to learn from accidents, so that we can avoid the same mistakes. We are getting closer to understanding what the causes of the crash of the Christen Eagle were. These are all unconfirmed, but based on comments from people at the scene at the time of the accident. It seems that the aircraft had completed a roll and then pitched up 45 degrees entering a loop. At this 45 degree nose up attitude, the aircraft was observed to lose power (reason unknown). The aircraft continued to enter the loop, past vertical, then inverted position in the top of the loop, where with a lack of airspeed, it appeared that the aircraft entered an inverted spin and maintained this condition until it struck the ground. The ATC ceiling is 1,500 feet at that location, but it is believed that the aircraft was in touch with ATC and had received clearance to 2,000 feet (estimated and unconfirmed). There is also some speculation as to whether the front seat had a throttle or not installed. We received this message from the company that manufactures the Christen Eagle -- "The Eagle has throttle levers in the front and back. The throttle cable is hooked to the front lever. There is a pushrod that is hooked to the front and back lever that allows you to control the throttle. I hope I answered your question." Regards, Janette Casper - Parts Department, Aviat Aircraft, Inc. |
Jun 2011 -- CHINA GENERAL AVIATION PROGRESS -- China wants to promote General Aviation. The 9th annual China General Aviation Forum, which is to be held from June 27-29 in Beijing, China. It is the real business-oriented event for international GA suppliers & operators to meet and discuss business opportunities with their Chinese counterparts. For more information, please visit us at: We also welcome you to visit the China Pavilion (booth # 256) at 2011 EAA AirVenture in Oshkosh -- This is the 1st time that you will be able to arrange a one-on-one discussion opportunity with China delegation at AirVenture. Having been the major driving force in China GA industry, we know 2011 is an action year for one simple reason: China is finally opening up its low-altitude airspace for GA development!! We encourage you to come to our events, see the market, meet the people, and expand your business territories. Please contact me if you have any questions. I am more than happy to assist you in entering the China GA market! Enlin Chao -- |
05 Jun 2011 -- TFC FLIGHTSCHOOL NEWS -- KHUN NISAKORN WANTS TO LEARN TO FLY -- Khun Bay owns her own logistics company in Bangkok. She has always wanted to fly, so she is going to check at Phumibol Hospital to see if she can join and start flying at Bang Phra. She was brought to the club by Koju san and liked it. So let's see if she passes her medical. |
POSTPONED -- AEROBATIC CLINIC IN MALAYSIA -- Dear Aerobatic Pilots - We would like to invite you to the first South East Asian Aerobatic Gathering at Bernam River Airfield. This is a private airport is about 40 Nm north-west of Kuala Lumpur (WMBR - 130.9) with a 2,100 ft good quality, 20 m wide asphalt runway. The plan is to have an aerobatic skill workshop where fun flying will be combined with an optional critiquing session. Our future judges are learning here too. We are planning to have 5-10 aerobatic aircraft with Pilots from Thailand, Philippines, Singapore and Malaysia. The next day is the largest Malaysian fly-in planned. This will be the 3rd fly-in for this airfield. Last year there were over 30 airplanes attending and this year we are expecting over 50 planes. All aerobatic participants may fly an air-show on this day if they want. The organizer promised to provide free fuel, food and accommodation as well as a full tank to fly home. Les Vorosmarthy - |
20 May 2011 -- ALONGZO PARTY AT EASTERN FLYING CLUB -- Fernando is one of the most enthusiastic aviators on the Eastern Seaboard. He is the chief pilot for the Black Dog Polo team and now has a new airplane. Eastern Airport is throwing a celebration party for him at Eastern on Friday with a pig roast. Fernando will be there along with Jim and TFC manager Worawoot. Come and join the fun. There will be a jeep race on the runway. Eastern Airport directions |
30 Apr - 02 May 2011 -- BEST OCEAN GOLF FLYIN -- Pilots from Singapore and Malaysia may be flying into Best Ocean for a golf and dinner outing. Please contact Khun Nat if you wish to join -- |
12-14 May 2011 -- UL KINGS CUP COMPETITION -- RASAT (Royal Aeronautic Sports Association of Thailand) will have Ultralight Microlight competition for King's Cup during 12th - 14th May 2011 at new Airfield "Nong Klor" Please spread the news that all pilots are invited to fly-in but only ULs can join the competition. I don't have schedule yet but the dates are confirmed. In the beginning, the new airfield will get approved as "Temporary" for only 14 days. I don't have more details yet but as soon as I know I'll send you -- Neil -- |
23 Mar 2011 -- BREAKING NEWS -- TFC CLUB C172 ENGINE OVERHAUL COMPLETED -- The engine is back, and now HS-ATE the C172 is being painted. So soon, we may have the club C172 back on flying status. |
Apr 2011 -- TFC MOURNS LOSS OF A GREAT AVIATOR AND FRIEND -- Khun Kraivuth, the founder of the Grasshopper Flying Club at Klong 15 and the owner of a Christen Eagle and Curtiss Jenny and a Senior 777 Captain for Thai Airways has sadly lost his life in a plane crash near Klong 15 airfield. The Christen Eagle was near the airfield, when it struck the ground. A funeral ceremony was held in Bangkok and many aviation friends from Thailand gathered to honor the passing of a great aviator and generous spirit. |
20 Apr 2011 -- INDONESIA with Paramotor -- Fly over the nice Beach in Indonesia, enjoy blue water of the sea, cross green light jungle, coconut trees and rice fields, swimming, snorkeling, diving, sun bathing. Contact -- Susi Melinda -- -- |
CPL TRAINING -- Khun Chuto has kindly advised us that CPL training is available at CATC -- -- If you have any more information to share with us about flight training in Thailand, please let us know. |
02 Oct 2010 -- BREAKING NEWS -- TFC NOW HAS 15 STUDENTS ENROLLED IN GROUNDSCHOOL -- The new Rolling Admission FREE Groundschool at TFC is off with a bang. In two weeks, we had 10 students enrolled in the groundschool and ready to start studying. Thank you to the TFC committee for this ground breaking advancement in General Aviation Flight Training in Thailand -- VIEW GROUNDSCHOOL PAGE |
12-13 Apr 2011 -- SONGKRAN PATONG AIRSHOW IN PHUKET -- Khun Suchard has advised the new dates of the Songkran Patong Airshow in Phuket will be on 12-13 April 2011. PFC Secretary, Khun Suchard, and PFC President, Captain Watana, invite all aviators from Thailand and Malaysia to fly into Phuket Airpark for the Patong Aerobatic show to open the Songkran Festivals in Phuket on behalf of the Governor of Phuket. Aircraft can fly in to Phuket Airpark on the 12th. The Patong Flyover will be advised upon arrival. There may be Khun Les Vorosmarthy Extra 300 airshow over Patong. For more details -- |
07 Mar 2011 -- NOK FREQUENCY -- The 123.00 frequency for NOK local procedure was confirmed and agreed by Khun Somboon (Aerothai CNX) - provided pilots first tell ATC on 129.60 and remain within NOK Class G airspace below 2000'. Before terminating it would be desirable to call CNX App.129.60 to tell them - you will still be required to call the tower by telephone with landing time. They (CNX ATC) will not be monitoring 123.00. We (NOK) will publish the procedure in our Ops Manual/ Club Noticeboard and website. Tony -- |
11-13 Mar 2011 -- BEST OCEAN FLY-IN -- Khun Nat from Best Ocean has announced that there will be a fly-in at Best Ocean Airpark in March. She welcomes everyone to come and see the exciting progress at Best Ocean. They also now have a Flight Training program and can start training students. The complete cours4e is 500,000 Baht -- |
14-16 Feb 2010 -- PHILIPPINE BALLOON FIESTA -- Entry Fee is US$950 per couple. 16th Philippine International Hot Air Balloon Fiesta scheduled on February 10-13, 2011 at Clark Field in Pampanga, Philippines and the Legaspi (RPLP), Bisibis Bay Fly-In on Feb. 14-16. We hope that you will be able to find time to spend a fun-flying weekend with us. This will not just be a balloon weekend. It will also be the biggest sport aviation meeting in Asia! There will be an Aerobatic show featuring the RV4 and Citabria from Manila. Sky diving exhibitions, Ultra light and homebuilt aircraft displays and flying, motorized paraglider flights, Aeromodeling demonstration, Rocketeering, kite-flying activities, helicopter owners fly-in, and private planes flying in from all over Asia and Japan. There will be a lot of static displays from aeronautical schools and manufacturers. The annual WOA Asia Aviators Gathering and the AOPA-I regional summit for the Aircraft Owners and Pilot’s Association will also be held during this time. For more information -- -- |
Feb 2011 -- GENERAL AVIATION SAVING DUGONGS -- Enthusiastic Aviator Ed is on the job again. He has been volunteering as a pilot to help conservationists conduct a survey of Dugongs in the South of Thailand. This is one of the very positive aspects of General Aviation in Thailand. There would be more aircraft assisting and volunteering with the survey except for the complications and restrictions caused by the 5 year permit. Mayaysia does not have any 5 year permit restrictions -- View Video -- |
MAREK JOINS TFC GROUNDSCHOOL -- Marek Hovorka has been studying the General Aviation training in Thailand very closely. He has a banking business in Vietnam. He was born in Czech Republic and received his Ultralight Pilot License in Czech Republic in 2004. In 2005, he moved to Ukraine and joined the sports flying club there training as sport pilot between 2006 and 2008. He also took courses towards PPL as well, but did not finish. In 2009, he moved to Vietnam and he visits Thailand twice a month for business. After a lengthy study and investigation, he has chosen TFC to help him get his Thai PPL. Welcome aboard Marek. |
25-27 Feb 2011 -- SFAT FLY-IN TO LOEI -- Loei is a great place to visit. SFAT is planning a fly-in up there so if you want more information, then email Uthai |
18-20 Feb 2011 -- WINTER TOUR 2011 RETURNS TO
THAILAND -- After many years
of absence, the famous WINTER TOUR is coming back. TFC member Khun Damri has
announced that he will lead a 3-day Winter Tour to Nan with many activities.
Everyone is welcome to join and certainly aircraft from Bang Phra, Best
Ocean, and Klong 15 will be joining. If you are interested to join WINTER
TOUR 2011, send us an email, and we will find an aircraft for you --
May 2010 -- CESSNA MAGAZINE NOW ONLINE -- Khun Dana of has informed us that Cessna now has an online magazine -- |
Oct 2010 -- SUNDAY MORNING BREAKFAST AT BEST OCEAN -- Khun Nat from Best Ocean has advised that starting on 24 October, Everyone is welcome for Sunday Fly-in Breakfast at Best Ocean. Cost is 150 Baht. Free landing and parking all day. Call Khun Nat -- 0863291036 -- |
14-16 Jan 2011 -- PATTAYA BALLOON FESTIVAL -- Being held at Thammasart |
31 Dec 2010 -- DAMRI NEW YEAR FLYIN IN NAN -- Khun Damri invites every aviator to his house in Nan for a New Years Eve party. If you are interested to join this -- |
09-11 Dec 2010 -- CIVIL AVIATION AIRSHOW 2010 AT DON MUANG AIRPORT -- TFC Manager Worawoot reports that the Don Muang Show was very informative. TFC members Fernando "Alongzo" Ponsa and Robert HS-BOB visited the TFC booth. There were slightly less visitors than last year, but this year there were many booths and many students at the show. Worawoot confirmed that the TFC booth was extremely popular because of the new TFC projection simulator and now Worawoot can land the Microsoft DC-3 perfectly. Khun Charn also flew his Grob to the airshow and he took a photo with TFC manager in front of an Extra at the airport. There were many interesting aircraft at Don Muang as well as a classic biplane from Klong 15. For more information -- |
17-Dec 2010 -- UBON AIRSHOW -- SFAT flyin up north. Gas and accommodation sponsored for all who fly in (according to Khun Niwat) |
25 Dec 2010 -- CHRISTMAS TANTAWAN FLY-IN -- Fly-in on Sat 25 Dec. 2010 for dinner. Please, email aircraft Call sign and pilot. Uthai -- |
DEC 2010 -- CAPTAIN BIFF FAREWELL FROM NOK AIRPORT IN CHIANGMAI -- Our Friend Tony up at NOK airport in Chiangmai sent us a very nice farewell video to our TFC Nak Bin Looktung Friend Captain Biff who is now on his way to Calcutta, India. Clear skies and tailwinds Captain from TFC and all your pilot friends in Thailand -- |
27 Nov 2010 -- URGENT ENVIRONMENTAL MISSION AROUND BEST OCEAN AIRPARK -- Captian Watana, President of Phuket Flying Club, asks if any pilot would like to volunteer his time and aircraft for an important environmental assessment mission on 27 Nov for -- if you can help, please email Captain Watana -- |
-- UPDATE FROM UTHAI (07 Nov 2010): Trip Laos 15-20 Nov. 2010. It will be
cancelled, because SFAT does not have the invitation from the Lao
Government. Last information, the Laos DCA was going to charge for landing
fee US$ 305 ,Parking fee US$ 300, and Navigation US$ 150. Total US$ 750. It
is very expensive, and SFAT cannot support. SFAT will now organize the
following Fly-in Events: |
Aug 2010 -- AOPA ONLINE RADIO COURSE -- Khun Paul has sent us a link to online radio course training -- |
30 Oct 2010 -- GOODBYE BBQ PARTY FOR CAPTAIN BIFF -- Khun Nat organized a splendid BBQ event for flyin visitors at Best Ocean Airpark for Round-the-world visitor Captain Biff. Biff will be heading with Suren to Cambodia and we will keep you posted on their progress -- |
30 Oct 2010 -- GENERAL AVIATION ASSIST WITH FLOOD RELIEF -- Khun Paul has advised us that Colonel Amrung is organized a Flood Relief flight on Tuesday of next week. Anyone who would like to volunteer is welcome to do so. Fuel will be paid for. Email Paul -- |
Jun 2010 -- BUDDHA MOUNTAIN AIRPORT CLOSED -- This airport is now closed because they are building a University -- BUDDHA MOUNTAIN AIRPORT (silver lake flying club) |
OSHKOSH 2010 -- SUCCESS OF GENERAL AVIATION -- An excellent video review of Oshkosh 2010 with music by Coldplay. Enjoy. |
JACQUE'S AEROSHOP FOR SALE -- PILOT SUPPLY SHOP IN BANGKOK -- Latest News: Jacques is now flying for Vietnam Airlines based in Saigon. He is enjoying his work there very much, and he therefore wants to sell his AEROSHOP in the Amarin Plaza in Bangkok. He is asking for US$60,000 (and the shop includes US$30,000 in stock at the moment). If you would like to buy this ship, please email Jacques -- -- Our TFC friend in Bangkok is Khun Pui at AEROSHOP in the AMARIN PLAZA (2nd floor) next to Erawan Hotel or World Trade on Sukhumvit Road (near Ploenchit BTS Station) -- -- 02-2569786. Khun Pui has ONC maps and books and other aviation supplies. Address: Amarin Plaza (2nd floor, shop 23), 496-502 Ploenchit Road, Lumpini, Patumwan, Bangkok 10330. |
Jul 2010 -- ROTAX OIL NEWS -- Peter reports that Aeroshell Sport Plus 4 is tested and highly recommended by Rotax for 912/914 series engines. Also information on the Aeroshell oils for air-cooled aero engines, such as Jabiru (now 11 engines in Thailand), Lycoming and Continental. Khun Uthai has arranged with the distributor to import Aeroshell Sport Plus 4. If you want some, please contact him at |
SUPER SKYDIVING EVENT -- Felix Baumgartner, a BASE jumper sponsored by Red Bull – is planning to do a jump from 120,000 feet in the air. Yes, 120,000. That’s 23 miles. He’ll effectively be wearing an astronaut suit and is expected to – get this – break the sound barrier upon his fall. (The air that high isn’t dense enough to generate the friction that makes someone peak out at 120mph when they jump from a more normal height). They’re not entirely sure what all this will do to his body (or so they claim, shock value). But part of this stunt is being justified by the idea that it will collect much needed data that will help scientists understand how the body (and suit) react to such things. If successful, Felix will almost undoubtedly be qualified to join the ranks of the Royal Order -- -- We salute him on this precipitous attempt. |
Apr 2010 -- JABIRU EXPERT IN THAILAND -- Peter Thomson reports that Khun Uthai is doing well with Jabiru, and went to Australia last month to do their engine course. He is just starting on the builds for 2nd flying club (another 3 a/c). Of the 1st 3, the J170 is at Klong 16 with Khun Somsak, the J120 owned by Dr Chern of Ubon will be housed at Lerng Nok Tha (n. of Ubon). The J450 Sunny uses, and Uthai is just fitting a Dynon D180 EFIS/EMS, with autopilot. The original LSA is at Buriram, with Khun Win. This will make 7 Jabiru's in Thailand, up from 1 at beginning 2009. The Jabiru engine story is even more successful. There are now 10 Jabiru engines in Thailand, up from 1 at beginning 2009. Two J2200 into Zenair 701's, one J3300 into Zenair 750, and you know about the J300 powering Dan Hill's Corvus. Khun Uthai is based at Tantawan Airport and is at Sunshine Air Service. |
Aug 2010 -- SUNSHINE AVIATION UPDATE -- Now Sunshine Aviation has oil for Rotax 912 - Aero Shell light sport Plus 4, Aero Shell W100, and Aero Shell 100 for new engine in stock. Sunshine Aviation is based at Tantawan. Call Uthai 081-4453236 |
Jun 2010 -- NOW 132 ULTRALIGHTS REGISTERED IN THAILAND -- Last year we had 126, and this year 132 -- so we are up by 6 from last year. Congratulations to Thailand for increasing General Aviation Activity -- 2010 Ultralights (Steve Darke) |
KOH KUD UPDATE -- If you want to land in Koh Kud, you will have to stay in Evason Resort. The cost is about US$1,500 per night (estimate) |
NEW OBSTACLE AT PATTAYA AIRPARK RUNWAY 10 - If you are landing on Runway 10 at Pattaya Airpark, be advised that there is now an obstacle at the Dolphin show which is on final for 10. If you have a picture of this, please send us. Thank you. |
BANGKOK RAIN RADAR ACTIVE -- Thanks Paul for the link to the active Rain Radar to show updated precipitation activity around Bangkok and Rayong and Central Thaialnd. An excellent link to click before you go flying -- |
Jun 2010 -- C172P FOR SALE -- Sonny is selling 2 Cessna 172P aircraft. Cost 3.2 million baht each. Aircraft now in Sriracha Airport. Full IFR equiped. New paint, new interior, and 0 time engine overhauled by Pen Yan one one and other has 500 hours. The planes are ready to register and fly. Email Sonny |
Jun 2010 -- WHERE IS IT RAINING RIGHT NOW -- Where is it raining in Thailand RIGHT NOW -- Click Here to find out -- the latest hot technology in Thailand. |
Jun 2010 -- U-TAPHAO GETS NEW NAME & PROCEDURE -- Captain Piya, who is now working in U-Taphao International Terminal, has informed TFC manager Worawoot that all GA aircraft landing at VTBU must park and sign the airport log at the International Terminal only. Landing Fees must be paid before Take Off. U-Taphao Airport's name has also now been changed. The new name is -- "U-TAPHAO-PATTAYA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT." They also have a new webpage with weather information in Thai -- |
Aug 2010 -- RECOGNITION OF TFC SISTER CLUB IN PHILIPPINES -- -- The home of the Angeles City Flying Club is at Woodland Park on the outskirts of Magalang Pampanga. Located some 17km away from Clark/Angeles City, the club boasts a 650M Runway, 1,000square meters of hangar space, a full maintenance facility, landscaped gardens, swimming pool, restaurant, training rooms and office. The club is open 6 days a week (closed on Wednesday). ACFC is dedicated to the furtherance of Sport Aviation in the Philippines. The club has been operating safely for over 12years. Our aircraft, pilots and club have an excellent safety record. In this time, we have trained 150 pilots. We have a full time instructor and 4 part time instructors. Our club (and sport) is self regulating. We put our pilots through a comprehensive ground school training program and provide approximately 15 hours dual instruction to the new pilot. Providing they pass the requisite check rides, examinations and medical. They are released (under supervision) to complete a further 15hours of solo flight. Thereafter, we issue a Sport Pilot Certificate that allows them to rent and fly club aircraft and take family members, friends and associates up for a flight. Our training is usually done in Quicksilver Mk II’s Rans S-12 Airaile. |
Jun 2010 -- 6 NEW STUDENTS READY FOR TFC GROUNDSCHOOL -- TFC Manager Worawoot reports that 6 new students have signed up and are ready to start the new groundschool. If you want to learn to fly, then contact Worawoot Hotline above. (addendum -- the ground school never got started, because the numbers decreased. Old system needed a minimum of 5 students to start). |
Jun 2010 -- TFC FRIEND IN ENGLAND -- My name is Steve Whyatt, I am a British airways cabin crew member and we visit Bangkok now and a again with a day off. I would love to look at flying ,not only in Thailand, but many other countries that I visit too. Your link is probably just what I need. In return I can offer advice, and indeed flying opportunities to foreigners to fly here in the Cotswolds district, Central Uk Oxford area. I am the CFI at a local military club which is a little harder for foreign visitors to fly at, but I also own my own plane which is not military and would be more than happy to take someone flying, for a small fee to cover nominal costs. ( £25). I can also give info for flying in other parts of the UK but the UK as you may well know is generally an expensive place to fly. I am a CAA authorised Examiner too, so can grant conversions to a UK licence after appropriate training and flight test. My contact details follow if you would like to add me to your list -- Steve Whyatt, 3 St. Leonards court, Church Lane, Bledington, Chipping Norton, Oxon, OX7 6XR, United Kingdom -- Tel: 01608 659295 -- Email: |
28-02 Aug/Sep 2010 -- PROPOSED TRIP
Jun 2010 -- 7 PLANES NOW PAINTED AT TFC -- The TFC Paint Shop with Khun Gai has been very busy painting planes and now a total of 7 have had beautiful new paint jobs. Now Khun Gai has suddenly disappeared and lost interest in painting planes due to some situation. For more information, call the Worawoot Hotline. |
TFC PAINT SHOP -- Now many people are repainting their aircraft at TFC. Khun Gai is from Sriracha, and he is now specializing in repainting aircraft. He uses Dupont paint and does an excellent job. To date, he has repainted 6 aircraft at the club and is about to start on number 7. This is a two step process involving stripping your plane, and then repainting it. The total cost is 140-150,000 Baht. If you want to paint your plane, contact Khun Gai directly -- 0850877496 -- or TFC Manager Worawoot can arrange for you -- |
Apr 2010 -- GPS FOR SALE -- Garmin 695 Pacific International GPS unit for sale (used once) its to big for the Marchetti. I would like to sell on the Thai Flying Club web site. Garmin 695 pacific and international database, perfect condition. Yoke Mount. Double suction Ram Mount. Knee Pad mount. Cigarette Power adapter. 12V cabin power connector. Carrying Case. 76,000 Baht complete -- Email -- Tel: 081-7503618. |
Mar 2010 -- ED REPRESENTS AOPA THAILAND IN PHILIPPINES -- Enthusiastic Aviator Ed flew his Turbine Malibu to Philippines to attend the AOPA meeting there and filed this AOPA REPORT. |
Jan 2010 -- BEST OCEAN PROGRESS - Best Ocean Airpark now has 2 new Virus Aircraft. The Hangars are in process and will be finished in the end of February. The Showroom is in progress and will be ready in the end of February. They are in the process of setting up a club. Congratulations on your great progress. |
KHUN VUTICHAI NEW DIRECTOR GENERAL OF THAI DCA -- Khun Vutichai has been the new Director General of the Thai DCA since October 2009, and there have been so many positive changes to General Aviation in Thailand that everyone is very happy. This positive step in the right direction is a great boost to investor confidence in Thailand, to students coming to learn aviation in Thailand, to the promotion of aviation industry and aviation jobs in Thailand, and to high-income tourists visits in Thailand. One of the new positive changes in the DCA has been that now any aircraft can have as many pilots as the owner wants. Previously, you could only have one pilot "married" on one aircraft (with one spare). So it was impossible for people to keep their planes safe by having them flown often, and it was very hard for pilots to keep safe by being current. It was also not possible for young pilots to build time by flying with experienced pilots, because if they touched the controls, they would be flying illegally. Thanks to Khun Vutichai, this has all changed and now Thailand General Aviation can move forward again. Congratulations Khun Vutichai and thank you. You still have to submit some forms to the DCA with the names and information on the additional pilots, but now there is no limit. We will put the forms up here soon with specific information on how to add names to your plane. |
04 Jul 2010 -- USA INDEPENDENCE DAY FLY-IN BREAKFAST AT EASERN -- Khun Jim has confirmed that there will be an Independence Day (USA) Fly-in breakfast at Eastern. More details with Paul -- |
8-10 Jul 2010 -- SAREX 2010 IN UDON -- Khun Uthai reports that this year SAREX will be held up in Udon Thani. Worawoot has invited all TFC members to just go. If any members wish to join the trip and need to find a plane to join, then contact the Worawoot Hotline above. If any ultralights would like to go, then contact Uthai -- 081-4453236. |
Apr 2010 -- PHUKET'S DESTINATION AIR OUT OF BUSINESS -- Another seaplane company closes their doors. Destination Air owners decided to close the business effective 1st May 2010. The company had been non-operational for the past year and the owners needed to focus on their core property development business, hence the closing. Both planes are now on the market, Cessna 208 and Cessna 206. For more information -- Pat James / Tel: 66 815 362069 / |
Jul 2010 -- APPARENTLY NOW THIS IS UNTRUE AND THE HUMAN FACTORS WILL STILL BE REQUIRED -- WE HAD HEARD PREVIOUSLY THAT NO MORE HUMAN FACTORS TEST REQUIRED BY DCA TO VALIDATE FOREIGN LICENSE -- BUT NOW APPARENTLY THIS IS NOT TRUE -- Jun 2010 -- Khun Neil has reported that the DCA will soon be canceling the requirement to pass the Human Factors test in order to validate a foreign license. Most foreign pilots and experienced foreign airline pilots in Thailand are aware of this test, because most of them failed it and had to take it over several times so they could keep flying in Thailand. The Thai Air Law Exam will still be required, but this test is very straight forward and can be passed if you read and study the Thai Air Law Regulations. |
31 Mar 2010 -- TFC MANAGER WORAWOOT CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY -- Today is our TFC manager's birthday. We know that after cycling his bicycle around the Bang Phra reservoir, Khun Worawoot reported that his bike is now in a hundred pieces, so he is probably spending his birthday fixing his bicycle. He also won't tell us how young he still is, so you will have to guess. |
27 Mar 2010 -- SUCCESSFUL FLYIN AT PHUKET AIRPARK -- Khun Suchard organized a very successful flyin at Phuket Airpark. About 4 aircraft flew down and many local visitors attended. Phuket Flying Club President Captain Watana was the guest of honor. The club Zenair gave an airshow performance. There was some difficulty, because the Aerothai representative in Phuket said that every aircraft need a DCA permit to fly in, but apparently the DCA said this was not necessary. Khun Suchard will be getting a letter from the DCA to confirm what exactly the procedure is for next time, so that we can keep general aviation in Thailand moving in a clear and organized way. Khun Suchard now reports that the grass is growing on the runway and the club is looking fantastic. Phuket Airpark is the first airpark in Phuket and in Southern Thailand and it has been extremely popular for aviation enthusiasts. Come and join the fun in Phuket. Bring your tent or stay in the bungalows on the airfield. Everyone is welcome -- |
CATC UPDATE - Khun Sonny reports that CATC now has over 100 students, including foreign students from USA and Singapore. This means that the previous regulation that foreigners could not learn at CATC must now have been revised. Congratulations to CATC for your great success with teaching students to fly. |
TFC MEMBER TONY FLYING TO VIETNAM - The first private tourist flight into Vietnam by a Cessna 180 was in October 2001, and now TFC member Tony is planning to fly his Commander into Hanoi. We will keep you updated about this exciting trip. |
Mar 2010 -- CHIANGMAI FLYING CLUB IS STILL OPEN -- We have just heard exciting news from Khun Nine that Chiangmai Flying Club is still open. This is wonderful news. We had previously heard that the club was closed, but now we are happy to report that it has 100 members and is still strong. Khun Nine tells us that Khun Supap is still the President of the Chiangmai Flying Club. and she informs us that the club webpage is -- -- Nine says that the club is now back and flying out of Lampoon airstrip South of Chiangmai. They have recently moved from Ban Thi and Nok Airports where they were based before. All of the revised Club details on on the Lampoon webpage. Yin Dee Chiangmai Flying Club. |
Mar 2010 -- KHUN PEE BUILDING 5 NEW HANGARS IN BANG PHRA -- Khun Pee, the president of Thai Flying Club, has begun construction for 5 new hangars at his end of the runway. These will be closed hangars with a storeroom and toilet. They should be finished in a few months, and there is one still available. If you are interested, email |
Jan 2010 -- KLONG 15 IN NAKHON NAYOK NOW OPEN -- Khun Tao now reports that his new airport at Klong 15 - Nakhon Nayok in Bangkok (near Ongkarak Airport) is now open. These two airports are very close to each other, so be aware of the proximity of other aircraft. If you have any more information on radio frequencies, etc, please advise us, so we can update the webpages. Thanks Mac for all your research. Thanks Khun Tao for making a great airport. |
Jan 2010 -- 1/2 SHARE IN C206 HS-AZZ FOR SALE 2 MILLION BAHT -- There is a C206 at Thai Flying Club which has a half share for sale now for 2 million Baht (reduced from 3 million Baht for quick sale). The other owner is club Secretary Khun Damri who is a very enthusiastic aviator and owner of Mooney, Beechcraft, and Grumman. Anyone interested in buying the share of the C206 and being a partner with Khun Damri, please email the club -- |
Apr 2010 -- CHIANGMAI LANNA AIRPARK IN BANTHI WILL RESURFACE RUNWAY AND EXTEND TO 660 METERS -- Khun Robert has reported that Ban Thi will be resurfacing their runway with tarmac in April. They have excellent news to report that they have now sold 2 plots at the Chiangmai Lanna Airpark, they have 3 plots in negotiation, and there are 8 plots still available. The Lanna Airpark is one of 4 AIRPARKS now in Thailand including Best Ocean (Bangkok), Pattaya Airpark, and Phuket Airpark. For more information, contact Khun Robert -- |
Jan 2010 -- SKYDANCE HELICOPTERS IS UP AND RUNNING -- Thailand is finally allowing Helicopter Charters and tours. The company Skydance is marketing tours for Advanced Aviation with a EC135 based in Bangkok and a EC130 based in Phuket. They sell the price per seat for Tours, and some tours are as low as 4,900 Baht per seat. Shuttles and Charters are also available. For more information, visit -- |
Jan 2010 -- TIGER MOTH FLYING AT NOK -- Apparently, the Tiger Moth at Nok Airport in Chiangmai is up in the air. This is only a rumor, but if we receive any confirmations or photos, we will let you know. Yin Dee. |
22-24 Jan 2010 -- KHON KAEN FLY-IN -- Fun trip to Khon Kaen organized by SFAT. |
NEW AIRPORTS NEAR BANGKOK -- We have confirmed positions of two near airports near Bangkok -- Klong 15 in Nakhorn Nayok and Ongkarak. These are two different airports, but they are very close to each other. Exercise caution and proper pre-flight briefing. |
10 Jan 2010 -- TIGER BREAKS INTO TFC OFFICE -- BREAKING NEWS -- Last night a Tiger fell through the ceiling of the TFC office in pursuit of a cat. Now we know who has been eating all the cats at TFC. The Tiger proceeded to ransack the office and devour several portions of TFC T-shirts throughout the night. TFC Manager Worawoot said, "this was not a normal situation." TFC Secretary Damri said, "This is the Year of the Tiger, so we feel honored to have had such a visit." All TFC staff have been put on full alert to protect all cats from the Tiger in the future, because the cats have done a marvelous job of keeping the mice in check at the TFC. TFC Manager Worawoot has announced that, in light of recent events, all TFC members will receive one FREE partially eaten T-Shirt to celebrate the YEAR OF THE TIGER at TFC. Please ask Worawoot for your free Tiger Signed T-shirt on your next visit to TFC. |
12-13 Feb 2010 -- AOPA CONFERENCE IN PHILIPPINES -- IAOPA will be conducing a General Aviation Conference in the Philippines. This will be during the Philippines Balloon Festival and we will update with more details when able. |
8-10 Jan 2010 -- OSHTAK SUCCESS IN UDON THANI -- Oshtak 2010 in Udon Thani was a great success. There were over 60 airplanes with great aviation pioneers Khun Vutichai, the Director General of the Thai DCA, and General Pracha who hosted the event and Khun Porntep from Udon mastertech who sponsored the fuel and hotels. The Royal Thai Army flew up a Black Hawk and Apache helicopter and there was a Royal Thai Airforce Alpha Jet low pass along with a Royal Rainmaking Kaset Formation Flight. Everyone was extremely pleased with the turnout, especially the 5,000 children who were thrilled on National Children's Day. Thank you very much to everyone for making this year a tremendous Oshtak Event. View previous Oshtak event. Any questions -- |
Nov 2009 -- SKYDIVING IN SRIRACHA -- According to Mac, Skydiving is finally up and running down in Sriracha with a Pilatus Porter. This could be a great step forward for General Aviation in Thailand. We will keep you posted on the progress of this exciting project -- |
FUNERAL CEREMONY FOR ADJAN KRISDA -- The TFC is very sad to report that our dear friend and former President of the club, Adjan Krisda, has passed away. Adjan Krisda was very instrumental in the pioneering development of the club in the early days and he will be missed. His funeral ceremony is being held at Wat Benjamobpit, Sala 100 year, starting at 7pm on 14 January 2010. Present on the first evening were Khun Chuan (former Prime Minister) and Khun Suthep (Vice Prime Minister). The ceremony continues until 25th January with the Buddhist ritual lasting for 100 days. If you have any questions, please email Khun Worawoot -- |
NEW AIRSTRIP NEAR BUDDHA MOUNTAIN -- We hear that there is a new grass airstrip near the Buddha Mountain near U-Taphao. If you see this, please send us a photo and a name and perhaps some runway and contact information -- |
NEW AIRSTRIP IN BURIRAM -- click here. Tel: 044-602466 / 083-7757070. Please check with DCA to make sure this airstrip is licensed and approved. We do not know. |
26-27 Dec 2009 -- PHUKET AIRPARK CHRISTMAS FLY-IN & AIRSHOW -- Khun Suchard has announced that PHUKET AIRPARK will have a Fly-In and Airshow this Christmas Boxing Day 2009 in Phuket. Everyone is welcome to come, but if you want to fly-in, you will have to receive an invitation first. Khun Suchard is planning special airshow events and competitions for all the visitors and many businesses in Phuket will be setting up booths for a fun weekend of activities and aviation fair in Phuket. For more information Call Khun Suchard -- 0818104510.. |
BEST OCEAN'S FIRST FLY-IN-BREAKFAST WAS A GREAT SUCCESS -- On 23 August, 7 aircraft from Bang Phra, Pattaya Airpark, and Don Muang flew into Best Ocean Airpark for Breakfast. The group of 7 aircraft were greeted by DCA Deputy Director Khun Vutichai and Best Ocean Owner Khun Sittichai and an armada of golf carts and staff from Best Ocean Airpark and Golf club. Everyone was very impressed with the quality of the new airstrip. TFC member Khun Pracha was the last to land and he sprung into action after a quick brunch to hit the golf course. Khun Sonny then took Khun Sittichai's son, Golf, up for some touch and go's and the 7 aircraft returned. Amidst the intrepid pioneering aviators were Shmirmaxie and Khun Rolf on the cusp of 1000 hours, Commander Worawoot freshly soloed on a solo cross-country adventure, Khun Suchard all the way from Phuket, Commander Tony and Dave "you're damn right," trip idea originator Alonso Fernando, Khun "Thai Cessna" Dana, and special appearance from Khun Nawaporn and AJ. If you have any questions about Best Ocean, you can call Khun Sukanya on Best Ocean Airpark. |
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4-5 Dec 2009 -- UBON AIRSHOW -- CANCELLED |
10-13 Dec 2009 -- BALLOON FESTIVAL PATTAYA -- For more inforation, contact SFAT. |
6-8 Nov 2009 -- NOK FLY-IN -- Fun Fly in to Nok Airport and find out the latest news up there. Organized by SFAT. |
DCA PPL VALIDATION TEST DATES -- TFC Club Manager Worawoot is informing all TFC members that the DCA is now requiring applicants for foreign license validation to take a Thai Air Law and Human Factors written exam before rendering foreign licenses valid for flight in Thailand -- view the new validation procedure flowchart. If you want to take the test on any other date, the fee is 1,500 Baht. You can check Thai Air Law on -- for Human Performance details or any other questions, contact Worawoot -- email Worawoot |
20-22 Nov 2009 -- FAI KINGS CUP COMPETITION -- ONGKARAK AIRPORT -- Khun Virayudth Didyasarin has announced that Tango Squadron will organize King's Cup Ultralight and Microlight competition at Ongkarak Airport (Klong 15) in October or November. The King's Cup competition will be for UL (Medium and Low Power) and for Microlight (one class). These will be the two events. Aviators are welcome to attend. If you have questions, you can call Tango Squadron Tel: 025345012/13 or 025238725. More information on Tango Squadron -- Khun Tang recently visited Pattaya Airpark to drop off the application forms for the King Trophy for UL competition at Onkarak Airfield. The event organized by The Royal Aeronautic Sports Association of Thailand (RASAT). More information -- Email FAI |
01 Aug 2009 -- 3,425 AIRCRAFT AT OSHKOSH AIRSHOW IN USA -- TFC Committee Member Khun Damri is at Oshkosh Airshow in USA and he reports that there are 3,425 aircraft at the Airshow this year. The reason that there are so many Private and General Aviation aircraft in USA is because the FAA does not over-regulate and inhibit the growth of aviation. When the rules are simple and easy to follow, then the industry will grow. It also makes for safer pilots who can fly with each other in their aircraft and learn more about aviation safety. |
28 Nov 2009 -- R/C MEETING FROM KLANG DONG -- Meet at Klang Dong then fly to airstrip nearby -- |
126 REGISTERED ULTRALIGHTS IN THAILAND -- As of July 2009, there are 126 Registered Ultralights in Thailand -- VIEW THE LIST |
WIN A FREE BOSE HEADSET -- GENERAL AVIATION SURVEY FOR AOPA THAILAND -- All pilots welcome. The Thai Flying Club and AOPA Thailand have been asked to participate in a market study of the general aviation industry, being conducted by L.E.K. Consulting. The study consists of a broad internet survey of general aviation aircraft owners and pilots to gain insights on the state of the market, and identify the levels of activity and any unmet needs in the marketplace across a number of aspects. Please take the opportunity to provide insights from your perspective by clicking on the link below and participating in the survey. Feel free to forward this link to any other aircraft owners or pilots across Asia Pacific you may know outside of the TFC and AOPA Thailand as well. As an incentive, L.E.K. is holding a sweepstakes giveaway for a Bose Aviation Headset X which survey respondents may enter if they wish upon completion of the study. Click here to enter the survey -- |
MANY AIRCRAFT NOW FOR SALE IN THAILAND -- The Newly enforced 5 year permit regulations in Thailand now make it very complicated and difficult for multiple partners to own an aircraft together. This makes it impossible for young pilots to build time in their logbooks by flying with friends in their airplanes. This means that a young Thai pilot who does not have a lot of money, cannot build hours and get experience to be a safer pilot to reach the airlines. Many aircraft are now sitting on the ground, because the owners do not have time to fly them and no one else is allowed to fly them. Aircraft that do not fly regularly are not safe. The new regulations stipulate that only the owner can fly the aircraft and one other pre-designated person. Because of this regulation, there are many aircraft now for sale in Thailand, and they will probably be sold out of Thailand. There are currently for sale: a Socata TB-9 (4 seats), Grumman AA-5B (4 seats), Beechcraft Musketeer (4 seats), Socata TB-20 (4 seats), another TB-20, and a Siai Marchetti for sale at TFC. For more information -- visit Aircraft for Sale or Email the manager. |
07 Aug 2009 -- BEST OCEAN AIRPARK IS NOW OPEN -- Khun Sukanya has informed us that BEST OCEAN AIRPARK has received its Landing Permit from the Thai DCA and is now open for aircraft to fly in and land. Best Ocean is 30 minutes by car from downtown Silom in Bangkok. Best Ocean is a private airpark for businessmen and aviators and golfers to fly into for golf or to live. Best Ocean Airpark is now constructing hangars and a flying clubhouse and building private homes along the airfield. If you have ever dreamed of flying and want to live next to your plane and a 45-hole golf course, then Best Ocean is your place. If you want to fly in or if you have any questions, please call Khun Sukanya -- 0899227622 -- and she will arrange a welcome party for you. |
WHO SAYS MAN CAN'T FLY -- We found this, and you are going to like it -- SPOT LANDING |
AVIATION PROGRESS IN THAILAND -- CLASS G AIRSPACE -- Enthusiastic Aviator Ed has just reported that there was a presentation from Aerothai designating VTCP (Phrae), VTUL (Loei), VTPB (Petchaboon), VTUJ (Surin), VTPT(Tak) and VTPM (Mae Sot) airports as no longer having controlled towers effective from August 1st 2009. This means that the approach to final within 10nm of these airports will be on the CTAF basis of self announcement. The existing tower frequencies will be used as CTAF frequencies from now on unless there is a VIP flight being operated in which case they will temporarily bus in a controller and the airspace will revert to class C. Over 75% of the airports in USA and Canada and South Africa are operated this way because it saves money and it is a safe procedure. In USA, these are called UNICOM airports, where the pilot is responsible for communication and safe separation from other aircraft. Congratulations to Thailand for taking this very wise and economic step forward in General Aviation development. We would also like to thank Dr. Jarung (Head of Airspace) in the DCA for his considerable role in this great step forward. Dr. Jarung is a very keen pilot who loves aviation and is helping to move Thailand in the right direction. Thank you Sir. |
IAOPA NEWS FROM KENYA -- The Aero Club of East Africa is a very old and established flying club in Kenya. It is similar to Thai Flying Club in that it is the representative to IAOPA. This is a link to recent General Aviation news from Kenya -- IAOPA KENYA NEWS |
SUNDAY MORNING BREAKFAST AT EASTERN 8-10AM -- Everyone welcome. 150 Baht. Just show up at sunset and have great fun with pilots and delicious food. Jim will be cutting a hole in his fence, so people can move between the clubhouse and the porch. |
NO MORE LANDING FEES AT SRIRACHA AIRPORT -- TFC Manager Worawoot has announced that TFC President Khun Pee and Khun Nophorn of Sriracha Airport have had a discussion and agreed to waive the landing fees at Sriracha Airport for all TFC members. Previously all aircraft that landed were required to pay a 100 Baht landing fee. This is a great step forward for General Aviation in Thailand and we want to thank Khun Nophorn and Khun Pee for this great initiative. |
WATER CONTAMINATION IN FUEL -- Khun Paul recently reminded us about the dangers of water contamination in your fuel when refueling. Water in your fuel tank is extremely dangerous and it usually causes engine failure right after take off on the climb out -- the most dangerous stage of flight. This is a good time to remind people about Mr Funnel -- -- and this is one way to prevent water contamination. Remember: Complacency kills. |
AIRSTRIP UPDATE -- We conducted a visual inspection of Koh Chang and Trat Military airstrips recently and have good news to report the excellent condition of these airstrps. We will put new photos up shortly. |
CAPTAIN TREVOR DAVENPORT JOINS IAT IN BANG PHRA -- Captain Trevor Davenport has been appointed Aviation English Instructor at IAT Bang Phra. The University Flight School in Bang Phra welcomes Trevor to the campus. Trevor is a FAA CFI, CFII, MEI, LMT with certification to teach Aviation English. He is based in Bangkok, but will be teaching in Bang Phra on Monday and Friday mornings. He may be available to assist with FAA BFR currency if needed -- |
Aug 2009 -- PIPER LOOKING TO HIRE PIPER AVIATION MANAGER ASIA -- Piper is keen to re-enter the General Aviation Market in Asia and are looking for a qualified person to fill this position. Take the Piper Survey -- -- If you think you have what it takes -- email Peter |
8-10 Sep 2009 -- ASIAN AEROSPACE 2009 -- Exhibition will be held from 8-10 September 2009 at AsiaWorld-Expo, Hong Kong -- Email |
Sep 2009 -- TFC TRIP TO KLANG DONG -- Dr Rolf flew up to visit Khun Prasert in Klang Dong recently, and Khun Prasert said that it was too quiet up there. His face lit up when Rolf suggested that TFC should make a flying tour up to visit. Now, Rolf is organizing a Klang Dong Flying visit for sometime in September or October. If you are interested in joining -- please email Khun Rolf. |
5-6 Sep 2009 -- OSHDOK ANNUAL FLYIN AT DOKKRAI -- One of the great General Aviation Fly-ins in Thailand today is the annual flyin to DOKKRAI -- where everyone is camping under their wings and participating in spot landings and water bombing competitions at Khun John's Dokkrai Resort. This is a very fun weekend for all aviators and friends. There is a swimming pool, hotel with delicious food, waterskiing on Dokkrai Lake, and the annual Fly-in Crocket competition. Don't miss the Annual "OSHDOK" at Dokkrai 2009. Previous OSHDOK 2005 Fly-in. For the latest update on when OSHDOK will be held -- Email Paul and Andy UPDATES: Rod has a 35 knot speedboat (water level permitting) and offers conventional water skiing as well as an inflatable armchair ride for 2 people which is great fun. The idea is to have a fun event at a great resort. The main day is Sunday with John doing the catering but everyone is welcome to arrive on Saturday or leave Monday. Accommodation is available in the resort and there will be 2 tents and sleeping bags also provided. We will arrange to make 95 Octane fuel available. Proposed events - balloon busting, flower bombing, spot landing, maybe a simple formation flight locally. More information: Call Jim 081 8282107. Johns rooms are available. 1,000 Baht for BBQ and Room and Breakfast (2 people/room). 350 Baht just for BBQ. |
30 Aug 2009 -- TFC SALUTES CAPTAIN WATANA ON HIS 60TH BIRTHDAY -- Captain Watana is one of the early members of Thai Flying Club and is also the current President of Phuket Flying Club. He is a very active general aviation pilot and one of the nicest people you can meet. All the the members of TFC and PFC salute Captain Watana on his birthday and wish him good luck in his retirement where he will be flying a lot in Phuket. If you want to come to his birthday party in Phuket, then call Khun Suchard -- 0818104510. |
THAI DCA CIVIL AVIATION EXHIBITION 2009 AT DON MUANG WAS A SUCCESS -- On 24-26 July 2009, there was a Civil Aviation Exhibition at Don Muang Airport. Several aircraft flew into the event -- including Miss Siam, and there were aircraft from Pattaya Airpark and a Malibu which have not been able to fly because they are waiting for 5 year permits that were given a special clearance to fly just for this event. The event was a great success, because thousands of Thai students and aviation enthusiasts in Thailand were able to walk around and visit booths about all the different schools, companies, and airports growing in Thailand. The general consensus among aviators and visitors to the show was that if the Five Year permit process could be simplified or eliminated, then more people could fly and there would be more General Aviation activity and growth in Thailand that would allow the growth of Thai Aviation Industry for engines, avionics, propellers and more Aviation companies to provide jobs for all the Thai students that are learning Aviation Management in different Universities in Thailand at the moment. The events were posted -- |
EXOTIC DESTINATION -- KHAO KHEOW ESTATE BOUTIQUE SAFARI -- Thailand has its first Luxury Tented Camps Resort. The Estate - deep in the jungle at Khao Kheow - has beautiful air-conditioned tents in a very beautiful setting. If you are looking for an "adventure" near Bang Phra, then this is the place to go. Off season rates are 1,800 Baht. There is a beautiful tented restaurant. Worth a visit -- |
NEW AIRPORT UNDER CONSTRUCTION NEAR BANGKOK -- Khun Sittichai has announced his plans for Best Ocean Airpark near Bangkok -- -- construction of the runway is in progress and should be completed in the end of February. There are plans for a 54-hole golf course. 18 holes are already open. |
MESSAGE FROM TFC MEMBER DOUGIE CAIRNS WHO JUST FLEW TO ALL 48 STATES IN USA IN HIS BARON -- If you do get a chance to put the details of on the webpage to share, that really would be great. we're really trying hard to get the messaging out for flying with diabetes with this project - endurance flight highlighting how well the US system for flying with diabetes works. I had the pleasure of using a continuous blood glucose monitor, so in additional to hourly blood sugar tests, I had an automatic reading every five minutes. This has some potential to opening doors around the world to allow more pilots with diabetes to fly. (we still only have five countries around the world allowing private flying for pilots with diabetes using insulin.) Perhaps with a small note that we "completed an attempt to break the existing record on 20th June in 97 hours and 32 minutes. Subject to ratification by the National Aeronautic Association, this cut 33 hours off the existing record......" |
ROTAX UPDATE FROM PAUL & JIM -- Just to keep everyone informed and address current safety issues concerning Rotax Engines: Rotax has issued a new service instruction about operating fluids for the 912 -- -- Summary and Jim’s recommendations: FUEL: Gasahol E10 (10%) has been approved for use. However there are two problems. 1. Check with the manufacturer if your fuel system is suitable for gasohol because it may attack certain fuel lines and fibreglass tanks. 2. If the aircraft is not used regularly, water will separate out of the fuel. Jim recommends continuing to use normal 95 fuel. Avgas 100LL is not recommended but can be used. OIL: Mobil 1 SAE 15W-50 full synthetic. Top up with the same oil. The oil should reach at least 100 C once every operational day. COOLANT: Evanscool waterless coolant is recommended. Standard 50% water-glycol can be used but may boil at 120 C. Never mix Evanscool with standard coolant. |
4 May 2009 -- GENERAL AVIATION HELPS WITH POLICE SEARCH -- On 04 May 2009, Bamrung called the Eastern Flying Club after there was a Gold Shop robbery, grenade explosion and M16 shooting in Jomtien. The thieves made off with 1/2 million Baht in gold. Officer Nipop (from Tunong Pleu Station) arrived with one other officer at Eastern Airport at 11:15AM. General Aviation pilots Alistair Stewart and Paul Keohane volunteered their time and aircraft and flew 1 hour each from Route 36 to Rayong and back and then to Plek Dang in search of a gold Vigo Truck and black Fortuna vehicle. The police officers were very grateful for the opportunity to search for these vehicles from the air and Eastern was pleased to be able to help the officers with their mission. This is a good example of one of the benefits of General Aviation to society as we saw during the Tsunami as well. Thank you to everyone for their support and promotion of General Aviation in Thailand -- |
The Thai DCA is hosting a Civil Aviation Exhibition at Don Muang in July.
Thai Flying Club aircraft are flying in on 23 June before 4pm. Landing and
Parking fees are free. If you wish to fly in, then email TFC to join. The
events are as follows -- |
TFC STUDENT STATUS (MAY'09) -- Thai Flying Club now has seven students currently training. JACKIE and IVAN have both recently completed their first solo. OLIVER and ANAEK are in their pre-solo check phase and should be soloing very soon. NIWAT, ADAM and ANDREAS are in training and progressing rapidly. We also have new students MOHAMMED from Kuwait and KOJU from Japan who have successfully passed their Medical exam and are ready to begin the next Ground School Course. THE PROCESS TO JOIN THE GROUND SCHOOL -- 1. Come to the club and find out how to register for the Medical Exam. 2. After you pass the Medical Exam, you can join the club. 3. When we have 6 students who have passed the medical, we will start the next Ground School (we have 2 now; need 4 more). Any questions, Email the club manager -- -- and visit our TFC Flying School Page |
JOIN THE NEXT GROUNDSCHOOL CLASS -- TFC is now putting together a list of students for the next groundschool. We need 6 students to start. Our first student has arrived at TFC and signed up. If you are interested in joining -- -- and here is a list of the students so far: Greg White tel: 0818909460 // Samuel Desmier 0899671629 // Shan Wang from beijing in sing +65 98261610 // Peter Read tel: 0806442511. // John Carter // Alan (guy who called Worawoot) // Dominique Perregaux (based in Hong Kong and wants to join) // |
14 May 2009 -- NEWS FLASH -- HS-PIA C150 NOW READY TO FLY AT TFC -- Club Manager Worawoot has gleefully informed us that HS-PIA is now under TFC registration and available for members to use. Another C150 to the fleet. |
18-19 Jul 2009 -- SAREX 2009 AT SONGKLA -- This years SAREX sponsored by the DCA and the Military will be at SONGKHLA AIRPORT VTSH. |
7-9 Jul 2009 -- ASIAN AEROSPACE SHENYANG CONGRESS IN CHINA -- Participate in the next growth spurt of China’s civil aviation industry -- |
3 May 2009 -- NEWS FLASH -- NEW C150 AT TFC -- Club Manager Worawoot has informed us that TFC now has Sonny's two newly arrived C150 aircraft on line for dry rates of 3,500 Baht per hour. There is also a C172 in Customs which will be arriving at the club soon. For more information -- |
THAI AIRCRAFT REGISTRY CHANGES -- Nov 2008 -- Nov 2008 Thai Registry Changes |
FAA BFR IN BALI -- Our TFC friend John Mellor is now in Thailand (until 23rd) to help with BFRs if you need. He has been in China, Nakhon Phanom, Borneo and now he is headed to help with a flying school in Northern Bali. So if you need a BFR in Bali, then send him an email -- -- John mobile: 0849233346 (Thai) / 081236416370 (Bali). |
WORAWOOT OMLETTE -- If you want to try something new and exciting in your life, then come to Bang Phra on Saturday or Sunday and ask Club Manager Worawoot to cook you the "Worawoot Omlette." It is a mouth-watering special that you will return for again and again. |
US AIR 1549 LANDS IN THE HUDSON RIVER -- Listen to the FAA radio transcript of the pilot's comms with ATC after the birdstrike -- |
8-10 May 2009 -- SFAT TRIP TO SAKHON NAKORN -- If you want to join, email Paul -- -- Colonel Amrung rang to advise that the route will include Surin. Now: Udon - Sakhon Nakhon - Nakhom Panom (back to Sakhon?) - Surin. Colonel needs to know how many aircraft from Tantawan to book the hotel. Other questions in Thai, please call Uthai -- 0814453236. |
AT EASTERN -- The police are
looking for volunteers for aerial patrol of the forests in Chantaburi. This
has been organized by Dr. Bamrung who will visit Eastern and give more
details. The Itinerary is as follows: |
25-29 Mar 2009 -- ELEPHANT POLO IN GOLDEN TRIANGLE, CHIANGRAI -- There is an elephant polo tournament at Anantara Resort in Golden Triangle (near Chiangrai) -- |
9-20 Mar 2009 -- CAUTION -- There
are military exercises from 9 to 20 March except Saturday and Sunday. The
areas are approximately: |
TFC BOOTH AT BITEC -- Khun Damri the club secretary organized a TFC booth at BITEC Industrial Fair -- -- In addition, Khun Damri is making a webpage for Thai Flying Club in Thai which will have a Web board (members chat), Maintenance section, Admin section, School section, Events section. Standby for this -- |
6-7 Mar 2009 -- WINGS OVER ASIA WEEKEND GETAWAY IN THAILAND -- Meng has informed us that he is organizing an Aviators Getaway Weekend in Thailand. The details will be updated as available -- |
4 Mar 2009 -- HAWKER BEECHCRAFT 1A LIGHT JET COMING TO BANGKOK -- Dear Sirs, As a valued member of the aviation community and one who has a vested interest in the progress of aviation in Thailand, Hawker Pacific & Royal Sky cordially invite you to attend a flight demonstration of Hawker Beechcraft’s Premier 1A (Very Light executive Jet) at Don Muang airport on Wednesday 4th of March. The aircraft will be parked at Royal Sky’s Fixed Base Operation and be available for a personal tour and local demonstration sortie. Lunch will be provided as well as the opportunity to network with senior executives from one of the largest aircraft manufacturers in the world plus their South East Asia Main Dealer (Hawker Pacific Asia). I appreciate this is short notice but I would be grateful for an early indication of your availability as we have to submit ID card or passport details on Fax No. +662-504-3838 for access to Don Muang air-side as well as obtaining permission to fly. Yours sincerely, John Carter -- -- Call John -- 0851535430. |
12-15 Feb 2009 -- PHILIPPINE HOT AIR BALLOON FIESTA scheduled on February 12-15, 2009 at Clark Field in Pampanga, Philippines and the Bohol Island Fly-In on Feb. 16-18. Everybody welcome. Email Joy -- |
NEW TFC PRESIDENT -- The Thai Flying Club had and Annual General Meeting in the Bushpilot Clubhouse on 22 November 2008, and Khun Piya Malakul is the new TFC President. The club also elected new committee members. Next month, the President will appoint the positions for Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary General. The Thai Flying Club has a long history of Presidents who have served to promote General Aviation in Thailand and the the club's efforts have made Thailand one of the leading General Aviation countries in Asia today. Recent news at the club is that trees on the approach path to Runway 23 are to be cut down, a new road is to be built next to Runway 23, and a new entrance from the road near the mountain is to be opened, a large welcome sign to TFC will be erected, and Khun Damri is designing new TFC/IAOPA membership cards to use for Hotel and Car Rental discounts. There may also be a 20% discount at King Power with use of the TFC membership card. If you have any questions about joining the next groundschool or how to get involved at TFC, please call the Worawoot Hotline -- 086 834 2636 -- or email We all thank TFC for the splendid party and music that followed the AGM. |
3-7 Dec 2008 -- THAILAND BALLOON FESTIVAL IN KHAO YAI -- Another amazing balloon festival up over Khao Yai -- |
27-30 Nov 2008 -- PATTAYA INTERNATIONAL BALLOON FIESTA -- Khun Niwat has done it again, and this year the Pattaya International Balloon Fiesta will be back in Pattaya. There will be 80 hot air balloons from all over the world. Stay tuned as we bring your more details of this hot uplifting event. |
PHUKET AIRPARK IS NOW OPEN -- Khun Suchard has received DCA approval for Phuket Airpark on 14 Mar 2008. The airstrip is 500 meters long. Congratulations to everyone for this magnificent step forward for General Aviation in Thailand. Planes and people are welcome to fly in -- any questions, please email ROSY -- They are organizing a grand opening ceremony for January 2009 after they have some hangars built. They have also purchased a C182 and Zenair for the club. |
23 Nov 2008 -- 7pm -- CAPTAIN TANED & KHUN YING WEDDING PARTY -- STATE TOWER, BANGKOK -- On 28aug08, Captain Taned received his wings from Thai DCA, and on 19aug08 Taned had his your fiance, Khun Ying, strapped into the Eagle aircraft and off they went on a romantic "First Flight" together. Khun Taned invites all TFC members to join his wedding reception at 7pm on 23 November at the State Tower. Please wear a black tie or a flying suit -- up to you. For more information -- |
Here are interesting links to 360* views of Macau and Hong Kong -- |
THE GOLDEN DAYS OF AVIATION -- If you want to recall the days when airplanes were made of wood and the pilots who flew them were made of iron -- |
LADY PILOT PROMOTION -- TFC welcomes women to come and learn to fly at the club. Learning to fly in Bang Phra is a very relaxing and fun. There are plenty of members to share experiences with. There is a full ground school with students, and the oldest and most active flying club in the country. If you have some free time and are trying to find a new and challenging activity, then come and learn to fly in Bang Phra. The procedure here is you join the club, then you enroll in the ground school. After you have your Student Pilot License, you can learn to fly. It is fun. TFC is also the only school where you can PAY AS YOU FLY. You don't need to put a huge deposit down before you learn. Fly when you want. Fly when you have time. Pay as you go. If you have more questions, then please contact the club manager -- Worawoot -- 086 843 2636. |
AEROSHOP BANGKOK FOR SALE -- For people who have needed quality aviation supplies or pilot gear in Bangkok, was the place. Captain Jacques has announced that the Aeroshop is now for sale. If you are interested, please email Jacques. Aeroshop is located on second floor of Amarin Plaza (next to Erawan Hyatt Hotel). Posted July 2008. |
NOK AIRPORT NEWS -- Khun Niwat is now the new president of Nok Airport in Chiang Mai. Nok is right next door to Ban Thi (actually 270 meters away). If you have any questions about Nok, then Email Khun Niwat. |
Buleleng Fly In 2008
Bali Indonesia 1-4 August 2008 เนื่องจากสมาคมฯได้รับเชิญจากประเทศ
Buleleng Fly In 2008 North Bali บินเหนือ ภูเขาไฟ
ซื่งสวยงามมาก เราจะบินไปรวมกันที่ Subang Malaysia
แล้วบินไปพร้อมกัน โดยงานนี้จะจัดขึ้น ในวันที่ 1-4
สิงหาคม 2008 นี้สมาชิกท่านใด
เว็บบอร์ด สมาคมฯ
5-6 Apr 2008 - TANTAWAN FLYIN -- On the weekend of 5-6 April, SFAT organized a very successful Tantawan Sunshine Flyin. Khun Supap was there with Dr. Choladhis and SFAT secretary NIWAT. All food was free and it was an exciting event with over 10 aircraft flying in. |
26 Jan 2008 - NAKORN PANOM UNIVERSITY AVIATION OPENING CEREMONY -- -- Nakorn Panom University is organizing an OPEN DAY for anyone interested in learning aviation to visit the University. They have the first aircraft DA40 and DA42 arriving and they have trainers for B797, X48B to give the CPL/IR certificate. They are also planning to open an aerobatic school with an Extra 300. If interested, call Khun Pui -- 042+551137. She can help arrange your flight up there. |
SINGAPORE AIRSHOW -- If any of TFC members happen to be in Singapore during the Singapore Airshow period, Meng and team would like to inform and invite all TFC members to the event specially for GA aviators -- |
12-20 Jan 2008 - FLY IN TO RAJAMANGALA UNIVERSITY AGRICULTURAL FAIR -- Located next to the airfield in Bang Phra |
28-30 Dec 2007 - OSHTAK at Mae Sot -- SFAT and everybody will be organizing Oshtak at Mae Sot this year. Don't miss it. |
15-16 Dec 2007 - AIR FORCE SQUADRON 2 LOPBURI FLY IN -- Air Rally Celebrating The King's 80th birthday at Air force Squadron 2 Lopburi from 15th - 16th Dec. You may fly-in to the airbase from the 12th - 14th. Most aircraft will fly-in on the 14th. For Ultralights, the form to apply flight permit is available from Neil. If you have problem fill in the form in Thai you may send info to the Foundation email |
8-12 Dec 2007 - Pattaya International Balloon Festa -- -- Royal Thai Army Sport Centre and SFAT will jointly host as part of celebrations to mark the 80th birthday anniversary of His Majesty the King. The event will take place at Thammasat University's Pattaya campus. |
3-6 Sep 2007 GA MEETING IN HONG KONG -- SFAT Secretary Khun Niwat is taking a Thai Aviation Team to the Asian Aerospace Convention in HONG KONG this September -- -- SFAT is organizing a large delegation of Sport Aviators and General Aviation enthusiasts from Thailand, and if you would like to join -- Email Khun Niwat -- Asian Aerospace 2007 is the world’s premier commercial aviation with 25 years of experience for Asian Aerospace from Reed Exhibitions, the event featuring over 500 international companies will show of latest products, services and innovation in MRO, Air freight, Aircraft interiors and Aviation training from 27 countries including 12 national pavilions. It will be the largest dedicated civil aviation exhibition where it will offer the most comprehensive civil aerospace platform on the international industry calendar in an exclusively all-business B2B environment. The show will be held in Asia World Expo, Hong Kong 3-6 September,2007. Further details -- Ms.Sutthipun Nujjaya -- Phone +668 1720 6822 -- |
17-19 Aug 2007 -- Malaka Air Festival -- MALAYSIA --Thai Flying Club has been invited to this flyin in Malaysia. Anyone who flies in will get free room, food and gas. For more details call Khun Worawoot hotline -- 0868342636. |
-- Khun Neil has promised that he will not change the date. 23 June is the
grand opening of the Flyer Restaurant at Pattaya Airpark. Fly in for a meal
and enjoy the scenery --
24-25 Nov 2007 - Loy Kratong Flyin at NOK -- SFAT and Chiang Mai Flying Club will be joining for a flyin at Nok Airport for the Loy Kratong Ceremony. Everyone is welcome and foreign aircraft are invited to visit too. |
1-4 Sep 2006 -- Bali Fly In to INDONESIA - The Bali Flying Club is arranging a fly-in and invite all members of Thai Flying Club and other flying clubs in Thailand to attend this exotic event. Please check out -- |
Khun Savas Funeral -- The Thai Flying Club would like to share with club members the news that Khun Savas -- The previous Director General of the Thai Department of Civil Aviation -- has sadly passed away in early November. He was a friend to many club members and was a great supporter of General Aviation in Thailand. His Royal sponsored cremation was on Saturday 11 November in Bangkok. |
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Exciting News as Thai Flying Club has had very interesting visitors Henrik and Johan from Sweden in their Diesel powered Diamond DA42 Twin Star aircraft (with 1.7 liter turbo-diesel engines). They are the on their way around the world, and they were warmly welcomed by the staff and members of the club. We wish them well on their journey to Saigon, Vietnam -- |
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TFC Member Khun Suchard and SFAT secretary Khun Niwat and Nok Air Yves flew to Philippines and back in February 2007 for the Philippine International Balloon Fiesta. Khun Niwat flew the first Thai Registered Hot Air Balloon in the Philippines. This is a great celebration of General Aviation activity in Thailand. Congratulations on this successful journey. |
17 Feb 2007 -- TFC ANNUAL MEETING IN BANG PHRA (3PM) FOLLOWED BY PARTY & DAMRI BAND -- TFC ANNUAL MEETING was held at TFC on 17 Feb 2007 (3PM). Khun Worawoot recorded the minutes of the meeting (in Thai) and Khun Norman will get some photos of the party from Khun Lek (the club secretary) for us to post here. |
23 February 2007 -- SFAT SUMMER RALLY TO NORTHEAST -- SFAT is organizing a summer rally to the Northeast of Thailand. Aircraft meet at Eastern and leave on Thursday 23 February. Eastern - Khon Kaen - Sawan Dandin - Sakon Nakhon - Ubon - Korat - Tantawan or Eastern. Any questions, contact Uthai -- 0814453236 |
31 March -- HAPPY BIRTHDAY KHUN WORAWOOT -- Our club manager celebrated his birthday this Saturday. The best possible present that he could have was that TFC Students -- DAVID TUCK and UCHIDA SAN -- passed their DCA Flight Tests. We hope Rajan will soon too. Worawoot has had a busy week at the DCA, and thanks to his hard work Khun Rolf was able to get his C of A, and the returning Eagle was permitted to fly back and operate on its Thai registration, and the TFC students were able to complete their flight test. Thank you Khun Worawoot for a great job -- now relax and enjoy your birthday!! |